Beyond the latest Dpcm, here's what scientists are recommending to combat the coronavirus

Beyond the latest Dpcm, here's what scientists are recommending to combat the coronavirus

Will the Government's measures be enough to control the coronavirus pandemic? Experts are not optimistic and have their say on what should be done

(image: Pixabay) The new Dpcm has arrived, and the controversy is flooding. On the other hand, given the numbers of the contagion and the reminder just a few days ago from over 100 scientists who were calling for drastic measures immediately, something the government had to do: but will it be the right actions? Inevitably, we will find out. In the meantime, we have collected some opinions and advice expressed by the main qualified commentators.

For the immunologist Antonella Viola in the new Dpcm there is something too much and something too little: too much generalization, too little rationality in the 'impose closures. The question of schools, distance learning (dad) and the crowding of public transport is at the top of the thoughts that the expert has entrusted to Facebook. The focus is on high schools, with deferred and staggered admissions, and above all on the more autonomous children of the last two classes who should immediately resume with the Dad at 75% (as required by the new Dpcm). However, these measures should be emergency, for the time required to "find new means and personnel to get everyone back in attendance".

Dad is good for universities, smart working for those who can and the ban on practice contact sports, and let's add winter sports, to contain infections. Elderly people should come into contact with as few people as possible and always keep the mask, which should actually be mandatory by middle school. there is. Wouldn't it be better to evaluate on the basis of the data collected in recent months which are the places at greatest risk of contagion rather than extending the measures to everyone indiscriminately?

In the coming weeks, if it were up to you, the expert would supply hospitals, nursing homes, schools and rapid test companies, implement the network for tracing and increase hospital beds.

Many of the experts we have come to know in recent months are however more pessimistic about the effects of the Dpcm. First of all Andrea Crisanti, virologist at the University of Padua, who believes that the measures of the new decree will have a temporary and insufficient effect to avoid a new total lockdown. Instead, a more incisive surveillance plan should be implemented to interrupt the transmission chains, "a plan to consolidate the results that may arise from more restrictive measures", taking countries such as Taiwan and South Korea as an example.

D ' agreement with Crisanti is Massimo Andreoni, scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit) and full professor of infectious diseases at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, who reports that he is not confident that the current government measures will bring the epidemic curve.

For Filippo Anelli, president of the National Federation of Medical Orders, if no results are seen (a concrete possibility considering that the epidemic indicators are unfavorable) a new total lockdown will soon be necessary in order not to collapse the national health system.

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