Batman: Death in the Family - two clips from the interactive movie

Batman: Death in the Family - two clips from the interactive movie
DC and Warner Bros. have released two clips of the interactive Batman: Death in the Family movie due out on digital platforms and on home video on October 13th. The film, inspired by the late 1980s comic book of the same name, is the first interactive film made by DC and Warner Bros. Animation.

Here are the opening credits:

While this clip shows us some moments in which it is possible to make choices during the film influencing the events:

Batman: Death in the Family

Batman: Death in the Family will be part of the new DC's antoglia Showcase consisting of 5 new shorts starring various characters from the DC Universe.

Batman: Death in the Family is produced, written and directed by Brandon Vietti; in the cast Bruce Greenwood (The Resident, Star Trek, iRobot), Vincent Martella (Phineas and Ferb) and John DiMaggio (Futurama, Adventure Time) will reprise their respective roles in Batman: Under The Red Hood of Batman, Jason Todd and The Joker . Zehra Fazal (Young Justice) as Talia al Ghul and Gary Cole (Veep) as Two-Face and James Gordon.

Read also: The DC animated series - The complete guide

About Batman - A Death in the Family

Batman - A Death in the Family is one of the fundamental narrative arcs of the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths for Batman, definitely marking the pace for subsequent editorial choices. It was published in Batman # 426-429 and made by Jim Starlin with art by Jim Aparo and covers by Mike Mignola.

Joker gets hold of a nuclear weapon he is planning to sell to a group of terrorists. As Batman tries to prevent a disaster in the Middle East, his young sidekick Robin (Jason Todd) is determined to find his biological mother. The two tracks, in spite of themselves, will cross and the fate will be the blackest for both Robin and Batman.

This is the ideal story for this type of operation because, as more experienced readers will know, DC already made the story "interactive" in the late 1980s. In fact, it had to be decided whether to have the second Robin (Jason Todd) killed by the Joker and the publishing house activated a toll-free number to which readers could connect to express their preference. The rest, as we know, did not smile at poor Jason who would come back to life only after many years as a custom in the world of comics.

The comic story arc was partly already freely adapted in the 2010 film Batman - Under The Red Hood.

Buy Batman - A Death in the Family.

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