Xbox Series S: Will Loads Be Faster Than Xbox Series X?

Xbox Series S: Will Loads Be Faster Than Xbox Series X?
In a long interview with Kotaku, Phil Spencer talked about different aspects concerning the next generation of gaming, predicting that it will be the Xbox Series S that will have the better of the two Microsoft consoles in the long run. According to the head of the Xbox brand, the latter will not only be able to offer the general public the possibility of entering the next-gen at a very attractive cost - embodying the real challenge for the next gen between the two sister consoles - but will have from its also another ace up its sleeve.

Often in fact, referring to the Xbox Series S, many have simply labeled it as the less powerful version of the Xbox Series X. Nevertheless, in the same interview Phil Spencer stated that the younger sister should not be underestimated, because it will also be the one that will offer the fastest loading on several occasions, specifying that more power does not automatically translate into better performance.

To confirm the his thesis, Phil Spencer explained that the Xbox Series S will be the one that between the two will offer faster loading times when starting a game, since it will have to load less data, since the console will support u n lower graphics resolution with which the games will run on the console, or 1440p - compared to the older sister which will support 4K. Xbox Series X will have superior computing power, it is true, but for these reasons it will be a bit slower in loading games, as the data to load should weigh a lot more.

Speaking of next-gen console performance, however, there are also many other variables, such as the optimization of these processes by developers, for example. Furthermore, from the video reported in this article, we can see the qualitative leap introduced with the arrival of the Xbox Series S compared to the current consoles, demonstrated by Microsoft itself and actually the uploads are quite lightning fast.

The next- gen is upon us. Get an Xbox Series S by pre-ordering it on Amazon Italy by clicking here.

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