Samsung chips for Google and Cisco devices?

Google and Cisco with Samsung for the chips
As for the Mountain View group, the hardware in question seems to be a component in able to detect body movements. Impossible not to think of a use in a wearable device, especially now that the company has stretched its hands on Fitbit, attracting, among other things, the attention of the European Commission which just yesterday announced the launch of a formal investigation to clarify any repercussions antitrust of the acquisition.As regards the handshake with Cisco, instead, it would be chips to be destined for next generation network equipment. We report below what has been disclosed in translated form.
Samsung Electronics obtained an order from Cisco in the first part of the year for the development of chips related to the next generation of telecommunications networks. He is currently working on the development phase that includes design.
Returning to Google, rumors appeared in the spring about a chip identified with the code name Whitechapel produced by Samsung for BigG, destined for the future Pixel line smartphones and computers in the Chromebook range. However, the source of today's rumor states that that which is the subject of the new information leak is another component.
Source: ETNews