YouTube and e-mail notifications: an awaited news arrives

YouTube and e-mail notifications: an awaited news arrives
The YouTube team has finally decided to remove a feature that users don't like very much: email notifications will no longer be sent every time a subscribed channel posts new content.

The novelty will be introduced only starting from 13 August. The developers made this choice after verifying that less than 0.1% of sent messages are opened. These notifications often fill users' email inboxes, resulting in little use. The e-mail message is - at least for a little while longer - sent every time a channel to which the user is subscribed publishes a video, a preview or starts a live one.

YouTube also stressed that this choice will in no way damage the channels: video views should absolutely not decrease due to the absence of these e-mail messages. In fact, push notifications will be equally present on Android and iOS devices. The latter manage to capture users' attention more, while still being less intrusive.

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As already mentioned, notifications via e-mail they will be automatically disabled starting from August 13th, but users will be able to make the change immediately thanks to the appropriate page.

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