PS5, 1080p and 60fps struggling to hit third-party titles?

PS5, 1080p and 60fps struggling to hit third-party titles?
PS5 may struggle to hit 1080p and 60fps on some cross-platform titles. The rumors, apparently worrying, come from Resetera: they were reported by Dusk Golem (a particularly active moderator), who confirmed that he had obtained them from some developer friends. His words are worth analyzing in more detail, considering that with a subsequent update the insider spoke more precisely of Resident Evil Village as a particularly complicated game to manage for PS5 at the moment.

Update: The discussion on difficulties encountered by "some developers" of third parties on some cross-platform games on PS5 compared to Xbox Series X and PC has undergone a turning point a few pages later after the first statements of Dusk Golem on the ResetEra forum, an insider generally considered quite reliable as regards , in particular, the issues related to Capcom and survival horror.

Apparently, the game that in particular would be causing problems to run satisfactorily on PS5 compared to Xbox Series X would be Resident Evil Village: " Ok, I say it clearly, this is Resident Evil Village, "said the insider on the forum in question. "The pretty terrible state of the game and its frame-rate that we saw in the PS5 presentation actually represents the situation of the game on the console a few months ago. The fact is that apparently the game works perfectly on Xbox Series X but the developers have trouble keeping the frame-rate stable on PS5 (which led to the weird frame-rate seen in the presentation, as it was recorded by PS5). ", explained Dusk Golem, thus specifying some previous statements, including those reported in the original article below.

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