Keyforge Mass Mutation: the review

Keyforge Mass Mutation: the review
Keyforge Mass Mutation is Coming! Although it arrived a little later than the set release date, the fourth expansion of Keyforge, the unique card game by Richard Garfield, is finally here and has been around in Italy for a month now thanks to Asmodee. If you missed previous expansions or if you simply have never heard of Keyforge, at the end of this article you can find the necessary links to update you. Ready for a new Crucible journey?

The Universe of Keyforge

Keyforge is a competitive two-player card game created in 2018 by Richard Garfield, author of gaming giants such as Magic: the Gathering, Android Netrunner and other titles for which you can find a link at the end of this article.

In Keyforge, players find themselves playing the role of mysterious cosmic beings called Archons, infinitely powerful entities, comparable to gods, engaged in the study and exploration of the Crucible, an immense artificial planet placed at the center of the universe and built by the mysterious Architects.

Like a colossal pyramid never completed, the Crucible was built using the exploitation of populations and civilizations from every corner of the cosmos who, conquered by the power of the Architects, found themselves trapped forever on the artificial planet which over time has become their new home.

So, among a great many number of different peoples and a planetary surface constantly reshaped and expanded by the will of the Architects, nothing on the Crucible is ever the same.

As often happens, constant revolution and incessant activity conceal a heart in reality motionless and, indeed, on the planet of the Archons there is something that escapes the myriad of changes.

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