FIFA 21: Live simulation, transfers ... New features in Career mode

Extension of the preview We were invited to discover the first details of FIFA 21 by means of an introductory video conference. Much of the latter dealt with gameplay, and the rest addressed the other contours of the title, including career mode. We weren't allowed to discuss any of the material revealed on the Career until today, so this article is an extension of our August 04 preview, available here. What's New in FIFA 21 Career Mode
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the First feature redesigned on the side of the Quarry, the matches simulated. The aberration of last season is therefore reduced, we can have a choice of live simulation in live, or pass in quick simulation to go directly to the final score. Live simulation live will also allow for the possibility of making adjustments in direct, perfect balance between control players and leave everything in the hands of the AI. The panel simulation live is readable, and makes one think of the mode, MyGm in NBA 2K. There are gauges of fatigue, the scores for the players and their stats updated live. Of info to make adjustments via the screen management (change players, tactics, etc) or even go directly to the heart of the game. Because yes, it is the big odds this year, we will be able to switch of the screen of the simulation directly in the heart of the game for taking things in hand on the end of the game, on a penalty kick... And return the screen to the simulation, if one wishes, in a very quick way. On the other hand, this simulation live may not be accelerated relative to the game time set at the base.The development of player-fueled
in Addition to this big update, FIFA 21 promises to be the most comprehensive on the development of the club's players. It will be possible to ask them to lead on specific points to improve one or more attributes, in particular , the speed of this growth can be accelerated via the settings. A Joao Felix to the progression balanced is going to improve on all points at the same rate (27 weeks of prep), so that it will focus more quickly on the speed, acceleration, stamina, interceptions, and the reactivity with the progress "forward cleaning" (6 weeks preparation).Other big news, the opportunity to learn a new position for each player , to the image of some of the stars who have been able to adapt throughout their careers, such as Gareth Bale (from side to Tottenham at striker at Real). A choice of progression that will improve the player on certain characteristics, but some changes will be logically much longer than others. To return to the example of Joao Felix, go forward axial end (44 weeks) will be much faster than learning the position of lateral (186 weeks). A change of identity affected positively (faster) if you align the player in this position is foreign and if it performs.
Football Manager
Alex Constantinescu has also specified the setting up calendars, pre-and post-match, namely, the management of rest or workouts of the players. A parameter can set the schedule of sleep-match and post-match about a month (rest, recovery, or training) in a fixed manner or intermittently. Even if this parameter is monthly allows to be faster in the management, the more rigorous will be able to set the program day after day. The criteria of form and morale will be also of the part as it is de rigueur for games of managements current, but it will have to wait to see the real impact of these features.Not described to 100% during the presentation, EA Sports promises other upgrades like a better entry into the field scripted for the Career and transfer rethought. There is the addition of loans with option to purchase , the trading of players in the transactions, as well as the hatred or disinterest of certain clubs and players towards the clubs rivals or lower leagues/exotic. In addition, the renewed contracts will be more common on the side of the tops players in the opposing teams.
read also : the innovations of The mode VOLTA The new mode WAS Our preview of FIFA 21, We are reminded that FIFA 21 will be released on PC , PlayStation 4 , Xbox One and Nintendo Switch the 9 October 2020, and will be available next fall on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.