Role-playing games and board games inspired by cinema and TV series

Role-playing games and board games inspired by cinema and TV series
With the festivities advancing, the harsh climate that does not invite us to stay outdoors, and an evening with friends (maybe nerd, why not?) Nothing better than a good board game! We now find on sale several original alternatives to the classic solutions of very famous games, re-proposed to bring them closer to famous video game titles, films or TV series. Nothing better than combining .. "the pleasant with the pleasant" and suggesting some of the most interesting solutions, some of which are opportunities not to be missed for your purchases, including Role-playing Games and Board Games inspired by TV series and</a> video games or vice versa.

Role-playing and board games

Alien Conan The Witcher - The role-playing game Adventures In Middle-earth Star Wars - The Force Awakens The Expanse Breaking Bad The Godfather Villainous Monopoly Game of Thrones


Expected on December 10th, the official role-playing game of Alien has been launched on the occasion of the Alien Day, an opportunity to relive with pen and paper the story adapted by Free League Publishing set in the next 2183. Based on the Free League Publishing Year Zero game engine, the Core Rulebook of this edition has more than 300 pages of mythology, works art and custom mechanics to create open-w campaigns orld and deep and varied space explorations of the Frontier.

Available in different modes, the Campaign mode allows us to experience a longer game than the Cinematographic mode which allows you to complete a game experience without preparing the adventure previously and providing only the most important game rules for each scenario.

Read also: Alien - the role-playing game: pre-orders are underway with a welcome surprise

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