TikTok responds to Trump's executive order: "We will use all available tools"

TikTok responds to Trump's executive order: We will use all available tools

After the US president signed the obligation to sell the Chinese app, the reaction of the latter was not delayed, and said she was baffled and ready to enforce the rule of law. An appeal also to users: "Make yourself heard"

(Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images) The clash between Donald Trump and TikTok continues. After the US president issued the executive order by which he requires the Chinese giant ByteDance, which controls the short video platform, to sell all its assets in America within 45 days, the latter's response has arrived. Via her blog, she describes herself as "baffled by the recent US government executive order, issued without following any regular procedure." He continues by emphasizing the repeated attempts in good faith, which began more than a year ago, to relate to the White House in order to agree on a constructive solution to calm the concerns expressed regarding the fact that the application was used by the Chinese government to spy on the US users.

"Instead, we had to confront an administration that did not consider the facts, dictated the terms of an agreement without following the normal legal procedures and tried to interfere in the negotiations between two private companies ”, Referring to those in progress with Microsoft. In short, according to TikTok, Trump's obligation would risk undermining the confidence of global companies in the American commitment to respect the rule of law, which "for decades has attracted foreign investment by stimulating the country's economic growth". Furthermore, it would set a dangerous precedent for free expression and open markets.

ByteDance, which so far has proved to be open to dialogue, the threat of “use all the tools at their disposal for the purpose of ensuring that it is not put at risk the rule of law, and that both our company and our users are treated fairly: if not by the Government of the United States, then by its courts ” . Finally, it addresses directly to its users: “our users, creator, partner, family members and TikTok in America, you have the right to express your opinions with your elected representatives, up to the White House. You have the right to make you listen ”.

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