Sony is adjusting a setting on its PS Store

Sony is adjusting a setting on its PS Store
If it turns out to be very specific, Sony has just solved a small problem encountered by several players on the PlayStation Store. They will now be able to choose to buy a game even if they already have it in the library thanks to the PS Plus, to enjoy it at the end of their subscription.

There is only a small part PlayStation players who have experienced this situation, but this minority has made itself understood by the Japanese manufacturer. The Twisted Voxel site notes that Sony has adjusted its PlayStation Store to offer more choices to certain users.

If a player has a PS Plus / PlayStation Now account and the latter has acquired certain games for free (or with promotion) thanks to this subscription, he could not buy the games already in the library. Logical, you say, but sometimes restrictive when the player in question did not wish to continue the subscription, and wanted to take advantage of discounts during his trial phase. The choice is now possible.

Still remains that the update is not yet open to all games, but in all likelihood Sony should increase the number of titles eligible for the parameter.

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