Marvel's Avengers: our first look at the generation gap? - technical analysis

Marvel's Avengers: our first look at the generation gap? - technical analysis
It's been a long time since we've seen a new Crystal Dynamics game (their latest work, Rise of the Tomb Raider, came out in 2015). The wait, however, is almost over and in the last few days we have been able to take an in-depth look at their next title: Marvel's Avengers. Take the latest version of the Foundation Engine on which Lara Croft's latest adventures were built, add some of the most iconic characters ever to appear in the comics, and combine them with a healthy dose of Destiny-style single-player and PVE campaign - by doing so. you will have got the next project from Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix, a game that will also cross the next generation. It currently runs well on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X (as a result it should scale excellently on PS5 and Series X) while standard PS4 and Xbox One have some clear challenges in handling the action.

The concept at Marvel's Avengers base is pretty clear and the marketing material posted helped lay the foundation for its setting. The adventure begins with a crackling prologue that shows the team of Earth's Mightiest Heroes at their peak as they take on a group of terrorists on the Golden State Bridge. However, something goes irremediably wrong: the Avengers fall into a trap, a disaster of gigantic proportions falls on the city and the group, in the end, melts. This is where the story begins. The beta, for its part, is very rich in content, with a couple of hours of gameplay that are an introduction to the basic mechanics and a plethora of multiplayer missions that will form the heart of the experience.

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