Google remains Firefox's default search engine until 2023

Google has signed an agreement with Mozilla to keep its search engine as the default on Firefox. Mozilla, however, is looking for a new business model
Mozilla signs a millionaire agreement with Google keeping the search engine as default Firefox until at least 20203 (image: Gabriele Porro / Wired) Mozilla and Google have signed an agreement millionaire that will allow the Mountain View search engine to remain, at least until 2023, the default system for online searches on the Firefox browser.Although the companies have not disclosed details of their deal, Zdnet has estimated that its value could be between 400 and 500 million dollars in favor of Mozilla.
The official agreement will arrive by the autumn with the publication of Mozilla's 2019 financial statements, but the news of the deal leaked after Mozilla announced plans to lay off more than 250 employees.
The deal with Google thus makes Mozilla sigh with relief after its Firefox browser was sup ered in number of users by rival Microsoft Edge. However, Zdnet points out, sources inside the company confirm its financial strength and justify the announced layoffs as part of a core business restructuring.
The company is said to be shifting to a subscription-based business model, thereby reducing its addiction to Google money. Paid services like the Firefox Private Network could allow Mozilla to avoid being dependent on the deal with Google, which accounts for between 75% and 95% of its entire annual budget.