Gates on Microsoft-TikTok: "poisoned chalice"

Gates on Microsoft-TikTok: poisoned chalice
Co-founder Bill Gates (now engaged on other fronts) also joins the ranks of those who are not clear on Microsoft's plans for the acquisition of TikTok. In an interview with Wired, the former CEO called the deal a "poisoned goblet", leaking his concerns about it.

Nobody knows what will happen with this agreement, but yes, it is a poisoned goblet .

The acquisition of TikTok? A poisoned goblet

The move would allow the Redmond group to considerably extend its range of action in the field of social networks where, it must be remembered, it has already been controlling LinkedIn for some years. However, TikTok would be something else, first of all for the target it is aimed at.

According to Gates, one of the biggest challenges that the company would have to face is that of content moderation, a particularly delicate issue considering the prevailing young and very young public attracted by the platform.

From his point of view, it is then difficult to understand what prompted Trump to ask that a part of the sum eventually paid by Microsoft end up in the public coffers of the United States. In any case, we will know more within a month: the date set as the deadline for the handshake is September 15, otherwise five days later the application could be banned in the USA.

Bring a social so popular in the hands of an American reality could however, according to Gates, be good for the competition in a sector that today sees Facebook dominate in a clear way. The only real competitor is Twitter, even if its numbers do not come close to those of the giant controlled by Zuckerberg.

Source: Wired

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