LEGO Harry Potter set # 75979 Hedwig: the review

set is part of the new set of series released in 2020, but unlike the others (which reproduce scenes from the various films of the Maghetto saga) reproduces a single character, the sweet Hedwig with white plumage.
The contents of the box consist of four envelopes numbered from "1" to "4", each of which contains other smaller envelopes with "minutaglia" pieces.The construction
The construction of this 630-piece set begins with the minifigures (by Harry and Hedwig) and with the "perch" that will support our brick Hedwig. Once the wooden support is over, we move on to building Hedwig's body, inside which part of the mechanism is hidden which will then allow the wings to move and part of the system with which the wings themselves join the rest of the body. It then continues with the construction of the mechanism that will move the wings, then moving on to the construction of the left wing first and then of the right wing.The construction ends with the assembly of the head, whose particularity is that of be triangular in plan, a bit like the technique behind the creation of the Cube Dude characters (here are some examples uploaded on the LEGO Ideas platform). The golden and printed pieces inserted in the set to make the eyes contribute a lot to giving an expression to the faithful bird of prey.
In a few simple steps (as shown in this video Grohl666 ) and adding only the necessary elements of the LEGO Power Functions (list below), you can power the set and let you “beat” the wings independently and without having to operate any crank. The steps to replace the crank with a motor, LEGO Power Functions are :
items LEGO Power Functions they serve (and that you see in the photos below) are:
LEGO Power Functions # 88000 battery Compartment AAA | € 13,99 on LEGO Shop @ Home LEGO Power Functions # 8883 Engine M | € 18,99 on Amazon LEGO Power Functions # 8884 IR RX | € 16,99 on LEGO Shop @ Home LEGO Power Functions # 8879 IR Remote control | € 14,49 on LEGO Shop @ Home
The motor connections – IR receiver – battery pack are:
Made the change, will a bit of parts: