Marvel's Avengers, the villains that exist ... and that we would like

Marvel's Avengers, the villains that exist ... and that we would like


MODOK Monica Rappaccini Abomination Taskmaster Thanos Ultron Loki A few days ago we told you about the six playable heroes at the launch of Marvel's Avengers: the title Square Enix, as written in our review, did not completely convince us, but it has enormous potential and if the developer Crystal Dynamics manages to correct the shot, it could reveal many surprises in the future. Marvel's Avengers is in fact a Game as a Service, or a game that will be updated over the months with new single and multiplayer content. We know that new heroes will arrive, starting with Kate Bishop and Hawkeye, and that together with them there will be new missions in which to try our hand at the six heroes who in the meantime are growing in levels and power.

One aspect what disappointed us the most, however, was the small number of super villains to fight. As you may know, in this game the Avengers have to contend with AIM, the MODOK-controlled company that supplanted them after a catastrophic accident and is now imposing its regime on the world. In addition to MODOK and his armies, the Avengers are also dealing with Taskmaster, the Abomination and ... that's it. There are no other famous villains, drawn from the comics or from the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe by Disney, who act as a boss at the end of some mission or even simply an elusive extra. In the next few lines we will explain who the main opponents in the game are and we will make a small wishlist on the ones we would like to fight in the future.

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