Fortnite, five alternative games for Android and iOS

Let's be clear, there are other ways to download Fortnite on an Android smartphone; nothing to do on iPhone and iPad instead. Finally, your account will still be usable from console and PC. So this article is designed for those who wanted at all costs a third-person FPS or a Battle Royale on their mobile device, perhaps to have fun during the holidays.
Which games could you fall back on, while Epic Games, Apple and Google try to come to terms? There is of course Call of Duty Mobile by Activision, which just in these days has launched Season 9. Call of Duty is a very well-known franchise, and if the series has already convinced you in the past this could represent the most natural fallback, with all its pros and cons.
PUBG Mobile is an equally valid alternative, and its game philosophy is perfectly in line with that of Fortnite Battaglia Reale. To be completely honest we could say that Fortnite would never have been born if Epic Games hadn't studied PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds first, and for a long time.