The best surveillance cameras of 2020

The best surveillance cameras of 2020
For necessity or simple personal desire you may be interested in purchasing one or more surveillance cameras.

In recent years technology has made great strides in security and the market offers increasingly advantageous solutions for those who need to keep a certain space under control daily.

There are different types of surveillance cameras on the market, with various technical characteristics and many functionalities.

To be able to find your way before buying among the many models, it is necessary to have a general starting framework to rely on. You need to know what are the main features that such a device must have in order to best perform its task.

This guide has been designed to help you choose.

What what is a surveillance camera

Every self-respecting video surveillance system has the main function of monitoring what happens indoors or outdoors. In these cases, state-of-the-art devices are used that are capable of taking and recording images of monitored spaces and objects. These are the surveillance cameras.

In particular, the IP cameras (where IP stands for Internet Protocol) are those that can be connected to the Internet and that can be controlled comfortably remotely thanks to a PC or a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, notebook, etc ...).

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