PS4, games with the best graphics

PS4, games with the best graphics


Ace Combat 7 Final Fantasy ViI Remake Days Gone Death Stranding God of War Horizon Zero Dawn Judgment Red Dead Redemption II Spider-Man The Last of Us 2 Uncharted 4 / Lost Legacy With the generation running out, it's time to pull the strings a little bit on how much we have played (and seen, of course) in recent years. A process that could cause some tears to fall but it is useful to understand what will remain of the last few years in the company of our favorite pastime. This time it is the turn of the titles with the best graphics on PS4 and PS4 Pro. We remind you that the names you find below do not follow a ranking of beauty, very simply we stick to good old alphabetical order, just to not hurt anyone.

Ace Combat 7

Getting on one of the planes in Ace Combat 7 is not just an experience for fans but a whirlwind of emotions that all gamers should try at least once. Especially because on a technical level the skies and panoramas set up by Namco Project Aces are very respectable. A small pearl is then the management of the clouds, which in a title in which the battles in the sky are the main focus is certainly not a trivial factor.

Final Fantasy ViI Remake

Whether or not you are a long-time fan it makes no difference, Final Fantasy VII Remake is a key point in recent gaming history and will be for years to come . The miracle performed by Square Enix with this title is incredible and the technical sector (net of some controversy on the backdrops) offers numerous jaw-breaking moments especially considering the fact that some scenes are born from ideas conceived more than twenty years ago.

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