INPS sends the pin into retirement: from October only Spid for online services

INPS sends the pin into retirement: from October only Spid for online services

From October 1st, INPS will no longer issue the pin for access to services and the Spid will have to be used instead. How to move in the transitional phase

(photo: Getty Images) The conditions for accessing the INPS portal have changed. From 1 October 2020 the National Social Security Institute will no longer issue the pin device as a credential to access the services, instead the Spid, the public digital identity system already in use to access the main public administration services, will be used. However, a transition phase is foreseen in which it will be possible to continue using the pin provided by INPS until its expiry.

The duration of the transitional phase has not yet been defined, but in the meantime citizens will be able to continue to access the portal services using the credentials in your possession, and the pin will in any case be renewed after the expiration date and until the end of this transition period.

As the INPS site reminds you, at the moment it is can already access the portal services through both the pin and their tax code, and through Spid at least level 2, electronic identity card (Cie) or by reading the national services card. Furthermore, the definitive replacement of the pin with the Spid will have no effect on the temporary telephone pin which may continue to be requested for access at the end of a day, a week or three months maximum.

Those who do not have the requirements to request the Spid credentials, i.e. minors, people who do not have Italian documents or people subject to legal protection, curatorship or support administration will be the only ones who can continue to use the pin device issued by INPS even after the phase has been completed transitory.

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