Hogwarts Legacy, the preview

Hogwarts Legacy, the preview

Table of Contents

Game Overview Masters of Ancient Magic Certainties and Doubts We imagined, called and wanted it before the leaks showed it existed. Then, when the conversation became a little less smoky, we hoped it wasn't yet another project destined to fail for one reason or another. But in the end it was all true, Hogwarts Legacy will be the RPG set in the Harry Potter narrative universe we have been waiting for. The title does not include the name of the magician around whom J.K. Rowling has built her fortune because the game deviates from the events told in the novels and even from those that make up the plot of the cinematic Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, choosing a late 19th century setting that precedes all of this. As Adrian Ropp, Head of Story at Avalanche, writes, the vast and rich world created by the author leaves many curiosities in suspense that if explored would contribute to enriching the lore even more. For example, what threats may the wizarding world have faced before Voldemort and Grindelwald? Who was the headmaster before the influential figure of Albus Dumbledore? How different, and if, was the wizards' relationship to Muggles? So many questions that could be answered right here.

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