Zoom introduces two-factor authentication

Zoom introduces two-factor authentication
Zoom's commitment continues unabated to improve the service, especially on the safety front. It could not be otherwise considering the record growth recorded in the last period, thanks to the large-scale adoption of solutions for smart working and remote communication. What's new today is about two-factor authentication.

Zoom's improved two-factor authentication makes it easier for administrators and organizations to protect their users and prevent security problems directly from our platform.

Two-Factor Authentication for Zoom

It will be useful among other things to deal a decisive blow to the zoombombing plague as well as to prevent account compromise. Once activated, users will need a temporary code to enter during login, generated through a dedicated application, an SMS message or a phone call.

Zoom's 2FA feature is now available in the platform version accessible from desktop browser, in mobile applications and on Zoom Room. We refer to the official support pages for details on the activation process.

Two-factor authentication identifies users online by asking them to specify two or more proofs or credentials that ascertain account ownership as something that the user knows (the password or PIN) and something they own (a smart card or mobile device) or something that belongs to them by nature (fingerprint or voice).

Guaranteed full support for OAuth, SAML and the TOTP (Time-based One-time Password) protocol, therefore, applications such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator and FreeOTP. The rollout affects all those with a Zoom account, even the free ones.

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