Doctor Who - a transgender companion is on the way

Doctor Who - a transgender companion is on the way

Doctor Who was the scene of great innovations for television, often not praised and bombastic like those of other series coming mainly from the United States, and is preparing to be once again with the introduction of the first transgender companion of the audio drama starring the Eighth Doctor titled Doctor Who: Stranded due out in July.

Actress Rebecca Root - former first transgender actress to direct a sitcom - will play Tania Bell alongside the Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann).

This is the synopsis of Doctor Who: Stranded

The TARDIS is gone. Stopped in time and place, the Doctor, Liv and Helen seek refuge on Baker Street. But the house has changed: now they have other neighbors - not all welcoming. And someone is carrying bad news for the future. The doctor and his friends face their biggest challenge: to live day after day in 2020 in London.

Root said she didn't think that her gender identity could in any way influence her character or story and that it would be great to have a transgender character in the TV series.

The producer David Richardson commented saying instead that Stranded is a new beginning ... It is a new setting, with new characters and that has its own distinctive tone. There is no epic struggle to save the universe - it is a group of people who live in a house in London in 2020, and their struggles to find a place in this world. Of course there will be aliens and strange threats along the way, but the focus will always be on our characters.

You can read all about the Doctor Who companions in this special article.

Finally we remind you that Doctor Who Season 12 is currently broadcast on Rai 4 - click HERE for all the details.

Find out all about Doctor Who in our special article.

Doctor Who is, from 1963, one of the TV series more popular than ever (find out where you can see all the seasons of Doctor Who ). With its thirty-eight seasons the active, fifty-seven special episodes and a movie is a tv show, longest-running and closely followed by legions of fans spanning several genealogies, and generations. Doctor Who is a mysterious character, of his past, we know very little, but his adventures continue to fascinate even after more than half a century. We are, therefore, to ask ourselves what the secret to his success. The spirit of adventure is certainly not lacking in the protagonist of the series, which, to date, has changed many faces and has undergone many regenerations, so as not lacks the desire to explore the unknown, to its many companion that is according to the season to follow each other, following the doctor into each of her strange adventure.

Recovered Doctor Who Season 11 blu-ray by clicking HERE.

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