Call of Duty Warzone: controversy over the Wendigo skin, benefits early in the game

Users have found that those who wear the new skin do not leave the usual trail behind them when they jump into the skies on the map early in the game. This unequivocal bug gives the aforementioned players a consistent advantage in competitive play, since it allows them to land without being noticed and catch the contenders already on the ground by surprise. The video attached at the bottom of this news provides a very precise idea of the problem, which does not appear to be associated with any other battle royale skin.
An Infinity Ward representative intervened on one of the topics of Reddit to communicate that the problem has been reported to the relevant team, and we hope that it will be resolved as soon as possible. In Call of Duty Warzone there are unfortunately many bugs and glitches, such as the one that allows players to reach very high speeds in free fall. Meanwhile, rumors are circulating about the arrival of the Zombies in the Call of Duty Warzone.