The Lucca Comics and Games 2021 ads from the Goen publishing house

Four new manga arrive in the Goen publishing house
Let's start with the next manga by the master of josei, Mari Okazaki, Single forever:Already highly appreciated author of cult such as & (And) and SUPPLEMENT, will excite us again with a collection, in a single volume, of stories of three great friends in today's Japan, stories of love and passion that are interconnected and based on the pursuit of happiness … Which is not always conditioned by a ring on the finger: SINGLE FOREVER? (Zutto Dokushin de Iru Tsumori?)
Two Like Us Will Come Later - Sagawa, the hero by Hiroyuki Nishimori:
Did you think you got rid of the most annoying and hilarious pair of thugs in manga? But not even for a dream! Ito and Mitsuashi are back on the road, ready to fight with anyone and make us laugh again without restraint.
But this time, on the occasion of a special volume wanted by the master NISHIMORI as a last (?) tribute and greeting to one of the most loved titles by fans, there will be light in the spotlight - maybe ... if Ito and Mitsuhashi agree… - for a new hero: TWO LIKE US 39 - SAGAWA THE HERO (Kyou kara ore wa !!: Yususha Sagawa to ano futari -)
Lunatic Circus is the new work of Usamaru Furuya :
LUNATIC CIRCUS is the latest series from one of our favorite manga artists, alongside TEIICHI HIGH SCHOOL, CRUSADE OF THE LAMBS, HAPPINESS, HIKARI CLUB and WHERE THE KIDS LIVE.
And, once again, we are sure that those who appreciate Furuya sensei's refined and disturbing, poetic and grotesque style at the same time will not be disappointed by LUNATIC CIRCUS (ル ナ チ ッ ク サ ー カ ス), a series set in a bizarre Japanese circus post-war, still being serialized in Comic @ Bunch magazine.
Finally comes Drifting Net Café by Shuzo Oshimi, the author of Dentro Mari (you can find the manga on Amazon!):
Once again Oshimi was able to create a plot that it gets more and more compelling (and creepy) with each chapter.
In DRIFTING NET CAFÉ (Hyoryuu Net Cafe - 漂流 ネ ッ ト カ フ ェ) the protagonist Koichi, mysteriously finds himself catapulted into a strange world, distorted and dangerous, just the day when the relaxed life he led up to that moment was about to change with the arrival of a child. Will Koichi be able to save himself and the other people who have remained, like him, trapped on the edge of reality?
Last but not least comes the comic The Mummy: palimpsest:
Born from the collaboration between the English publishing house TITAN and the very famous production house of horror films HAMMER, THE MUMMY: PALIMPSEST is the 'highly anticipated return under our label of the great Peter MILLIGAN, screenwriter and leading writer in the world of comics (The Extremist, Batman, X-Men ...)
Always beloved for his caustic, biting and without compromises, Peter Milligan is ready to prove himself again in a darkly colored story, which marries ancient Egyptian myths with the gloomy and foggy setting of London, in a volume that will keep you glued from the first to the last page.
Read also our article to discover all the Pop Culture events at Lucca Comics and Games 2021!