Age of Empires 4 will be a constantly developing platform with updates and competitive seasons

This is what emerged in the interview by with Quinn Duffy, one of the key figures of Relic Entertainment, and Adam Isgreen studio creative director of World's End. Among the various topics covered for the occasion, the two developers talked about how Age of Empires IV could potentially face the competitive landscape of eSports, depending on the response of the community. In any case, great importance will be given to PvP, with ranked matches and competitive seasons, with the first one that will debut during the spring of next year.
"For the moment we want the game to take its course, to overcome the adjustment phase. Once the balance is perfected we will open up more and more to the competitive scene, for example starting to activate the seasons (the first will debut in the spring) and further refine the ranked matches. Whether or not to push Age of Empires IV as a product of eSport, it will depend a lot on how it will be received by the public, if communities start to form about it ", the words of Duffy.
Age of Empires 4, a naval fleet The two developers also say that the intention is that to support Age of Empires 4 for a long time and that the game is seen as a constantly growing platform, a bit like Microsoft Flight Simulator.
"We offer a rather large team that will allow us to carry out continuous updates both in terms of content and refinement of the mechanics. The same team will listen to the fanbase in order to understand the priorities of everything that will be future support for Age of Empires IV. We want to continue building on this platform for a long time, Adam did not say, but this is only the beginning of the AOE4 project, "says Duffy.
" Flight Simulator is continuing to grow and we see Age of Empires in the same way: as a platform. A platform that grows with the community in mind ", says Isgreen.
Also during the interview by Francesco Serino, Isgreen is back to talk about a possible Xbox port of Age of Empires 4, explaining that although there are no definitive plans yet, the team will start working on it after the launch of the PC version.
Age of Empires 4 will be available to pa rtire Thursday, October 28th on Steam, Windows Store and Xbox Game Pass for PC.
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