Pokémon, Jade Robin's Pikachu cosplay is electric

Let's see this great Pikachu cosplay made by Giada Robin, national glory of the cosplayer scene, who really does justice to the most loved electric type Pokémon on the planet.Giada wears the costume with the usual class, even equipping it with many accessories such as cute gloves. The make-up is also beautiful, which brings out the color of the dress. Note that the photo was made to advertise an appearance of Robin on Mario Giordano's Fuori dal Coro program. At this point we expect a cosplay from him too.
For the rest, Pikachu does not need much introduction, since we are talking about one of the most famous characters in the world of entertainment, now far beyond video games in he was born and raised and the animated series he stars in.
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The Pokémon x Sumo Collab We've Been Waiting For
Wild sumo wrestlers appear!Photo: 株式会社ポケモン/公益財団法人日本相撲協会
Over the years, Pokémon has done an array of collabs, including New Era, Oreo, Levi’s, and Casio. Some have been more interesting than others. But finally, Pocket Monsters is teaming up with sumo wrestling. It’s about time!
Think about it. This makes perfect sense. In sumo, you have two wrestlers facing off to see which one is more powerful. Kind of like Pokémon, no?
“Pokémon is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, but compared to sumo, which has a long history and tradition, it’s still the beginning,” said Tsunekazu Ishihara, president of The Pokémon Company, in an official statement. Ishihara added his respect for the sport and his desire to show the appeal of it and Pokémon.
The Nihon Sumo Kyokai, the sport’s official organization, is saying that this collab is a “historic first.” The Pokémon Company is sponsoring kensho banners at upcoming official sumo tournaments. As The Japan Times explains, these colorful kensho banners are carried around the ring prior to high-ranked bouts. (Full disclosure: I am a columnist at The Japan Times.) For those fights, there can be up to fifty different kensho banners and, generally speaking, sponsors must shell out for one each day of the tournament.
“The banners represent prize money staked on that bout by corporate sponsors,” writes The Japan Times. “Each one costs ¥62,000 ($545) with ¥56,700 ($499) going to the winner of the match and ¥5,300 ($47) deducted for costs and fees.”
Kensho banners such as these will be carried at the tournaments.Graphic: 株式会社ポケモン/公益財団法人日本相撲協会
The Pokémon banners will be displayed at the November sumo tournament in Fukuoka as well as at the January one in Tokyo. Each banner will be different, featuring things like box art for games like Pokémon Red and Green or portrayals of Pocket Monsters, including Pikachu and Makuhita. In total, over 200 banners will be appearing at the tournaments.
The Pokémon Company will also be sponsoring kesho-mawashi, which are the ceremonial, embroidered apron-like garb worn by wrestlers when they enter the ring. Sponsors can put their corporate logos on them for publicity. For example, at one sumo tournament I attended, the Bulgaria-born sumo wrestler Kotooshu wore a kesho-mawashi embroidered with the Japanese yogurt brand Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt. (This is still the best corporate sponsorship I’ve never seen in Japan.)
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There have already been anime and manga themed kesho-mawashi, so the Pokémon collab isn’t totally unexpected to be honest. It is still quite interesting, however!
At the January tournament, the sumo referee will also don a special Pokémon themed outfit. Doubt the costume will be a full-on Pikachu suit because it would be too hard to judge the fight, but one can always wish and dream.