Mobility Bonus: Frequently Asked Questions, Quick Answers

Mobility Bonus: Frequently Asked Questions, Quick Answers
What does the "environment bonus" consist of? and how does it work? "Also:" Who is the voucher intended for? ". These and other questions are contained in the FAQ document issued in relation to the "Mobility Bonus 2020" which has been available for a few minutes within the click day with which the ceiling will be paid.

Mobility Bonus: here is the FAQ

The logic is that of "who comes first", so you need to be extremely quick to be able to secure the bonus in time. This document (pdf) contains all the details in an extremely short and clear way, so as to facilitate the operation for those who may need it.

What does the environment bonus consist of?

The mobility voucher is a contribution equal to 60 percent of the expenditure incurred and, in any case, not exceeding 500 euros for the purchase of bicycles, including pedal assisted bicycles, as well as vehicles for personal mobility to mainly electric propulsion (e.g. scooters, hoverboards and segways) or for the use of shared mobility services for individual use excluding those using cars.

The document explores every detail concerning the bonus for scooters, bicycles and other means. The advice is to immediately get in line on the site to request the bonus and, in the meantime, deepen all the details through this reading. The risk, in fact, is that of arriving late and losing the priority that could allow access to the bonus (the depletion of the ceiling will presumably be quick).

The FAQ relating to online purchases is interesting, specifying how it is possible to buy online at accredited retailers with an expiration date of November 3rd. This could therefore authorize purchases made still today, after which the possibility will be exhausted. These are the means of travel covered by the bonus:

new or used bicycles, both traditional and pedal assisted; new or used handbikes; new or used vehicles for personal mobility with mainly electric propulsion, referred to in Article 33-bis of Legislative Decree 162/2019, converted with amendments by law 8/2020 (eg scooters, hoverboards, segways); shared mobility services for individual use excluding those using cars. Source: SOGEI

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