The Last of Us 2 and the stealthy battles: Naughty Dog discusses it

The Last of Us 2 and the stealthy battles: Naughty Dog discusses it

Naughty Dog writer Halley Gross discussed with the Daily Star editorial staff the depth of the stealth phases of The Last of Us Part 2 and the opportunities offered to users in adopting a "silent approach" to overcome the challenges faced by Ellie.

During the interview given to the London tabloid, Gross reconnected to the scenes admired in the video of the State of Play of The Last of Us 2 to deepen the aspects of the gameplay related to the stealth approach and explain that "players will have to constantly think about the strategies to be adopted to overcome the various challenges. We wanted to create the deepest character that has ever been seen in a video game, and therefore I hope that people can establish a bond with her and find aspects with which identify yourself ".

Also for this reason, as illustrated by the writer of TLOU 2, during the adventure we will be able to completely evade many of the encounters with nem ici and infected by resorting to stealth to reach the designated destination. Based on Ellie's attitude going from a silent to a more "direct" approach, and vice versa, users will have access to different weapons and loot, with all the benefits in terms of replayability that we can easily imagine.

At this point we just have to wait until June 19 to personally experience this dualism between violent and stealth action with the release of The Last of Us Part 2 exclusively on PS4.

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