The Artful Escape, video gameplay commented by the developer for the new indie Annapurna

The Artful Escape, video gameplay commented by the developer for the new indie Annapurna
The Artful Escape returns to show itself in a new video that illustrates in more detail the particular gameplay of the game, commented at every juncture by its creator, Johnny "Galvatron", also a musician of the almost homonymous group The Galvatrons.

Il game was announced at E3 2017 and commented on the same occasion also in a video preview. Three years have passed and it has not yet reached its definitive form but it should now be close: The Artful Escape is scheduled for this year on PC, Xbox One and Apple Arcade.

Developed by Beethoven & Dinosaur and published by Annapurna Interactive, The Artful Escape is a game about personal revenge and redemption, featuring Francis Vendetti, a young musician who cannot shake off his father's enormous shadow, a true folk legend.

Francis is a prodigious guitarist despite his young age, but he cannot get out of his situation as a child of art and, in search of his own specific identity and creative freedom, finds himself immersed in a bizarre interdimensional journey and psychedelic, all to the rhythm of music.

As the new gameplay video shows, the game is structured as a sort of 2D scrolling adventure, which alternates between more typically adventure and narrative phases, focused on the alogos with other characters, others more action and in line with the platformers, but there are also different variations and different situations in which you can find yourself.

Note, however, how the system of dialogues seems to follow somewhat that seen in Oxenfree and Afterparty of Night School Studio, also published by Annapurna.

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