N26, the bank most appreciated by Italians

N26, the bank most appreciated by Italians
What is the best bank in Italy in this early 2020? It is an online bank. Well yes: the best bank in the eyes of Italian users is today a fully digital bank, namely N26. This is certified by the Forbes ranking on the best banks of 2020, which for our country places one of the best known avant-gardes in the fintech world in the first place.

N26, the most loved by Italians When we talked about it, underlining how in just 8 minutes it is possible to open and make your current account functional, we meant exactly this: just as the demand for banking services has changed, the offer has also changed and today's context has gained a sudden acceleration of this change. Covid is not a parenthesis that can be ignored: with the world in lockdown, in fact, users had to find alternatives to traditional services and while bank branches closed, many online accounts were opened.

The ranking of the banks preferred by the Italians is made up as follows:

N26 Fineco Bank Banca Adria Colli Euganei Banca Mediolanum Banca Sella IWBank Widiba CheBanca! Allianz Bank Financial Advisor Bancoposta The big names in our banking world are therefore out of the top 10: Intesa Sanpaolo 13th, Unicredit 19th, Credit Agricole 24th, BNP Paribas 25th. The ranking was composed on the basis of the surveys carried out by Statista following a survey on 40 thousand users worldwide.

The crisis of the beginning of the millennium and the next of 2008 was something profoundly different from the current phase. Today, with the N26 in the top in both Italy and France (in addition to Spain, where it is the second brand's more popular in the field of banking), the feeling is that of a true mutation of the structure of the market and the offering (as confirmed in a recent event for Huawei on the topic), with the audience increasingly attentive to the dynamics of the online offer less and less fond of the more traditional concept of “bank”. This ranking is nothing if not a picture of evolution in the full course.

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