Fortnite, Season 3: How to Damage Loot Sharks in Sweaty Sands

Fortnite, Season 3: How to Damage Loot Sharks in Sweaty Sands

With the Season 3 of Fortnite Chapter 2, the Booty Sharks were also introduced, that is, animals controlled by artificial intelligence that can be taken out to obtain more or less rare objects. One of the challenges of Week 1 requires that you deal damage to one of these creatures.

The first step in finding a Loot Shark is to land in Sweaty Sands. Once you get there, get a weapon in the shortest time possible and, making sure there are no other players nearby, explore the area around the Point of Interest to find one of the big sharks. Once you have identified the Loot Shark, start shooting it to make an orange bar appear on the screen indicating its health: your goal is to inflict at least 200 damage on it. Between one shot and the next, pay close attention to the sea creature, as it is able to make big jumps and reach you even on land, so avoid standing still while you hit it.

It should be specified that, just like bosses in the bases of the Agency, Loot Sharks are not present in the Brawl Team mode and, therefore, it is mandatory to complete this challenge in the Single, Couples or Teams mode.

You have already read our guide on how to find Gnomes at Cozy Highlands in Fortnite Season 3?

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