Fight Night Round 4 naked on PS3

Fight Night Round 4 naked on PS3
With the arrival of the demo of Fight Night Round 4 on PlayStation Network, the guys from Digital Foundry have finally been able to see what the EA Sports team managed to combine on the "complicated" PS3 hardware. The news, from what emerges in the video that we propose below, are certainly good. The 4x aliasing present in the Xbox 360 version has given way to the usual slight blur effect which tends to blur the contours by eliminating the hateful serrations. In PS3, this technique works on some games, while on others it tends to become excessively intrusive going to affect the quality of the overall definition. Here, fortunately, it is the first case.

As you can see by keeping an eye on the number at the top right, the framerate of the cinematic scenes stands at 30 fps, with some descents at 28 fps, while in the playable sections there is a crystalline permanence of the 60 fixed fps, as it is in the 360 ​​version. The game is therefore fluid in its primary component, and finally demonstrates the familiarity with which EA is starting the development of the new titles coming to the Sony console. We just have to wait for the complete code for a more accurate comparison between the outgoing versions. The hope is that future titles will also be able to keep these standards.

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