COD Warzone, Modern Warfare, Mobile and Black Lives Matter: postpone the new Seasons

COD Warzone, Modern Warfare, Mobile and Black Lives Matter: postpone the new Seasons

Following the death of George Floyd, protests and protests continue in the United States of America. In the last few days, the situation in the country has been extremely complex and delicate, with a constantly growing tension.

As a reaction to these circumstances, many players in the gaming industry have chosen to offer support to the community's claims African American American. In this sense, it is impossible not to remember Sony's choice to postpone the PS5 reveal event, initially scheduled for June 4 and now undated. Now, Activision has also chosen to take a stand and temporarily suspend activities related to the Call of Duty series.

From the game's official Twitter account, as verifiable at the bottom of this news, in fact, the following message arrives: "Although we all can't wait to play the new Seasons of Modern Warfare, Warzone and Call of Duty: Mobile, this is not the time. We have decided to move the launch of Season 4 of Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Mobile Season 7 to a later date. This is the time when those who talk about equality, justice and change are seen and heard. We are with you. "

< br> Activision's decision to support the Black Lives Matter movement is not the only example of the software house they have chosen to exhibit: recently Naughty Dog has also published a support message.

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