Battlefield 6, EA teaser: epic battles on a scale never seen before

In the movie, COO Laura Miele offered a very brief description of what the public can expect from the new chapter of the Battlefield series, the development of which, we remember, is already underway. "For each generation of consoles, - explained the executive EA - DICE sets the standards for excellence in the field of graphic and audio presentation. We are creating epic battles characterized by a scale and a realism that you have never experienced before". These few but intriguing words seem to demonstrate a great confidence of Electronic Arts in the potential of the next iteration of the IP.
At the moment, however, it will be necessary to be satisfied with this synthetic teaser: the gaming giant had in fact previously clarified that Battlefield 6 will arrive in the course of 2021, presumably on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Waiting to be able to take a look at a first trailer of the DICE game, there are several rumors circulating on the net. Some of these, in particular, seem to suggest the return of the franchise to contemporary atmospheres and settings, but, at the moment, there is no official confirmation in this regard.