A week to understand what privacy really is

Not just confidentiality: Privacy Network organizes a series of meetings on the subject. Wired will be present on the 15th with a focus on biometrics and digital surveillance
The Privacy Network team Understanding how innovation can coexist with the protection of personal data, verify the limits of technology and report good and bad practices, in Italy and in the world. These are the themes at the center of Privacy Week, a five-day event that starts on 11 October and will be staged in Milan until Friday 15 to analyze the future by looking at it through the filter of privacy and fundamental rights.The event was born from the collaboration between Privacy Network, a non-profit organization that deals with privacy and digital rights, and Next Generation Currency, a brand in the world of bitcoin, crypto and digital identity. The goal of the working days is to illuminate a beacon on "information that deserves the right analysis, but which is not always reported in traditional media".
"Privacy is not just the right to confidentiality"
"Privacy Network has grown rapidly, becoming a point of reference in Italy in the field of privacy and rights of new technologies", explains Andrea Baldrati one of the four founders of Privacy Network: “We are happy to have crowned a positive year with an important event. Privacy Week was created to create a meeting and discussion point for anyone with an interest in the topics we deal with every day. We are often asked what privacy is for us: now we want to give our answer because today privacy is not just the right to privacy, but brings together different themes, which we have tried to address in five days ".Among the guests there will be the Privacy Guarantor, Clusit, the Politecnico di Milano and the Italian Banks Association. But not only that, as Matteo Navacci co-founder of Privacy Network points out. “There will be professionals and experts in the sector, including Eu Service, Studio Gattai, Minoli & Partners, WeSchool, OneTrust and Lutech. The interventions will range from education to big data, passing through bitcoin, decentralized finance, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, digital health and fundamental rights ".
On October 15th a panel with Guido Scorza on biometrics
All the days will be broadcast on the social channels of Privacy Network, on October 15th a round table with the three founders is on the agenda of Cariplo Factory of Privacy Network who will talk to Guido Scorza, member of the Board of the Privacy Guarantor in an event that will also be broadcast on the Wired Italia channels. “We are very happy with the response we have received in recent months from professionals and not only”, explained Diego Dimalta.“On Friday - he added - we will be able to talk to a very wide audience about the topics we care about and, in particular, about facial recognition in public places. This is one of those issues in which privacy is at the center of a debate which, however, must not be limited to evoking the usual 'privacy violations'. It is important to identify solutions, understand what are the risks, the real threats and the consequences that, in some cases, people have already experienced following the use of this technology in public places ".
The round table on the 15th, Baldrati emphasizes, "will also be a moment of high discussion with Guido Scorza, to understand the official position of the Authority on this issue which closely involves the rights and freedoms of citizens. I hope that there is also the opportunity to further investigate the recent investigation by the Guarantor against Clearview ", the US facial recognition company which, as emerged from a Wired investigation, collects faces on the internet without communicating it to the interested parties.
"In addition to Clearview - explains Navacci - there will also be a way to address the issue of biometric identification in Italy. More and more administrations are pushing to install these systems in our cities, despite the fact that they are currently illegal due to lack of authorization law. Udine is an example, but there are others too. The issue is serious, because these systems turn us into real barcodes with our legs ”.
All with an informative intent, as Dimalta comments. “It is important that people understand that we still have time to better regulate these new technologies. Some say that big techs already know everything about us but, well, that's not true ... They still have a lot to learn from us and we must explain to people that their data, especially biometric ones, are a treasure that should not be given to anyone , to try an app that makes you look younger or change your haircut. Privacy Week was born from this: the need to raise awareness of privacy and data protection ".
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