Tech Revolution Factory: Microsoft with OGR Torino

Tech Revolution Factory The center of gravity will be OGR Tech, a hub created by the CRT Foundation, declining through three lines of action: accelerators for startups (focus on AI and cloud with dedicated programs), training activities for the realities of the OGR Tech network and students, professionals and citizens (aim to promote the dissemination of digital skills) and dedicated events to create opportunities for dialogue and networking (comparison with mentors and experts). This is the comment of Silvia Candiani, CEO of Microsoft Italy.
After the announcement of Microsoft for Startups last December, Microsoft's commitment to Piedmont is becoming more and more concrete, in particular in the city of turin. With OGR Tech, we work to extend access to new skills and new tools to young entrepreneurs and businesses, thus accelerating digital innovation, which is more than ever necessary for this restart phase of our country.
L Today's announcement comes almost on the eve of June 25, the date that will see the OGR Brand New Day event to celebrate the first year of the collaboration between Microsoft and OGR Torino: it will be open to all, under the banner of contamination between art and technology, obviously in digital streaming form.
Source: OGR Torino