NFS Hot Pursuit and PvZ The Battle of Neighborville coming to Nintendo Switch?

Some of these have already been officially presented by the company : this is the case of the new port of Apex Legends, Burnout Paradise Remastered and of the Legacy Edition of FIFA 21. As highlighted in our preview of Lost in Random, the Indie EA Original has also already been confirmed for Nintendo Switch. The remaining three titles, however, remain still shrouded in mystery and it is not currently known which EA productions are destined to make their way on the console of the Kyoto House.
Among those who shared their forecasts on this, we find Jeff Grubb, Venture Beat editor who recently released a wide selection of rumors, which however were not always correct. Citing his own anonymous source close to the Publisher, the journalist claims to be aware of the nature of the four productions, which he identifies as:
An Indie EA Original developed by Velan Studios Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered: after proposing Burnout Paradise, EA would be ready for a further remastering, intended for PC and console, including Switch Porting of Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville We report the indiscretion but remember that Grubb does not have a particularly positive track record, especially in recent weeks many of his leaks were quickly denied and therefore the upcoming EA games may not correspond to those indicated in this list. What do you think of these hypotheses? What EA games would you like to see on the Nintendo console in the near future?