Ikai, the proven endflame horror film

Ikai, the proven endflame horror film

The horror landscape is now saturated. Even more so if we talk about first-person video games based on that style that Amnesia has cleared customs almost to excess. It is so full that it has almost become cloying, making it difficult to find an experience that I don't know about in every single aspect: those Who Remain tried to stand out recently but, in the end, he failed in his intent proving himself - as you can read in the review - one of many more of the same. However, it must be said that this type of approach is the most comfortable for developers at their debut, because after all the jump scare culture will never lose its grip and will be an irresistible call both for those who play and for those who enjoy watching others jump on the chair. We move on familiar ground and maybe, without revolutionizing anything, we can at least try to leave a positive mark, be remembered for taking a different direction: in this sense we try Ikai, the debut title of the Spaniards of Endflame, a study made up of only three developers. The first assets of the game date back to the end of 2019 and only a few days ago an alpha demo was made available, accompanied by the announcement that Ikai will arrive on Steam during 2021. This small taste served to enter the atmosphere of the game and give us an idea of ​​what awaits us next year.

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