Assassin’s Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids: a journey through images

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids
After several months of waiting, Ubisoft has finally released the first, true expansion for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, or The Wrath of the Druids, a new adventure in which we have the opportunity to accompany Eivor on a journey through the mystical Irish lands, where myth and reality merge in an almost inseparable way.Exploring the length and breadth of the new locality, we noticed how it had a high photographic potential, from the vast emerald valleys to the misty swamps, up to the cliffs overlooking the agitated Atlantic Ocean. So, we decided to dedicate this journey in pictures to Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Wrath of the Druids.
Departure from Dublin
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Wrath of the Druids: a dawn between the roofs of Dublin The sun has just risen. The waters of the river flow calmly towards the sea, the folded sails of the boats moored at the port are moved slightly by the morning breeze, while a few drops of rain dampen them. Birds chirp on the fronds of small trees, slightly taller than the wooden houses that house Dubliners.Eivor waits by a jetty, with her hood covering her face. Instinctively, we head to the dock to call up our longship, but since we had already proposed a "cruise" among the English waterways, we decided to walk slowly towards unspecified destinations.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids: this time we go on foot The city has recently begun to come alive, with fishermen setting sail in search of new prey and merchants who are preparing to set up their stalls, waiting for potential customers from the most various corners of the world.
Thanks to our help, the city of Dublin has become an extremely important commercial center, with routes and agreements ranging from the Byzantine Empire to the Kievan Rus', from Egypt to the Iberian Peninsula.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Wrath of the Druids: the view from the Dublin market Before proceeding, we stop by our friend and partner Azar to see how our little trading empire is progressing. Looking around we notice the magnificent Norse temple converted into a Christian church, so we decide to go and have a look, since we have climbed it, but we have never entered it with "tourist" intentions.
Along the road , some children play carefree in the mud, softened by the morning drizzle.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids: some children play in the mud Step by step, we climb the rather steep hill leading to the great temple. Here, some Christian monks pray, while pagan women perform their rites; all in total harmony, as if they were united in a collective prayer that goes beyond the most common theological distinction.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids: details from the Dublin temple Returning to the light of sun, we set off towards the city gates, ready to leave Dublin civilization behind to immerse ourselves in the mystical essence that blazes all over Ireland.
The green valleys
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids: the Celtic cross at the gates of the city As soon as we leave the city, the stillness of nature collapses on us like a boulder. A large Celtic cross stands at the head of the crossroads, like a sort of sentry intent on watching over Dublin. The grass is an intense green, tending to emerald, which stands out as far as the eye can see until it is lost with the sky itself.Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids: the green lands of Ireland We decide to ford the modest watercourse near which we started our adventure several meters downstream. Going so slowly, without any rush, makes us dwell on different details, from the small wildflowers to the leather elements of our armor, hidden by the large cloak.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Wrath of the Druids: slow down points out the most singular details While we highlight the little things, we find ourselves in a large raised open space, from which it is possible to see Dublin in all its majestic simplicity. After a few postcard shots, we set off again, heading towards who knows what destination, while around us, in the meantime, the fog begins to lower quickly.
The land of the druids
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Wrath of the Druids: Dublin from above The sky is totally overcast. The sun's rays find it hard to break through the thick curtain of fog. We can see little and nothing around us. Undaunted, we continue to proceed, surrounded by disturbing shadows that seem to move in the shadows.Suddenly, we hear a sort of song coming from our left. A faint glow tries to penetrate the dark natural wall. Captivated by curiosity, we head towards the source of that bizarre dirge. We begin to glimpse the decaying ruin of a stone structure, behind which we take shelter to better analyze the situation.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Wrath of the Druids: in the shadow of the stone We found a small camp inhabited by some members of the Sons of Danu. Given that it seems to be a fight that falls well within the limits of our scope, we decide to take unsuspecting opponents by surprise. We climb over the wall and, with one leap, we sink our hidden blade into the first visible objective.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids: death from above Like the unstoppable flow of a raging river, we take out a hatchet and throw it at another thug, with his back turned and unaware of what has happened (or of his imminent death). As the weapon swirls in the air, another bandit emerges from behind a low wall.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Wrath of the Druids: an unexpected encounter Lightning fast, we pick up the enemy's spear at our feet and hurl it with superhuman strength towards that unexpected intruder, who falls to the ground a few steps from his companion with the ax stuck in his skull.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids: it is always good to look around before going out in the open Hoping that the surprises are over, we ravenously plunder the bivouac, collecting some silver coins and some materials to upgrade our equipment.
After the unexpected raid, we return to the road, continuing our journey among the mystical Irish lands.
Lia Fáil
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids: a mystical land When the fog begins to clear, we realize that it is already night. We are climbing a hill, at the top of which we can see some high monoliths. Arriving at the top, we realize we have reached Lia Fáil, the ceremonial megalith where the High Kings of Ireland were crowned.Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids: the view from Lia Fáil The area it is highly suggestive, with the large stones illuminated by single torches positioned at their feet. From here it is possible to see much of the Irish territory, from the north coast, to the great fortresses, to the commercial hubs of the region. We could continue to explore these vast green lands, but our feet (or rather, Eivor's) are starting to ache. So we stop here, in the center of everything; in the spiritual heart of Ireland.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids: distant destinations, near horizons This journey through images dedicated to Assassin's Creed Valhalla - The Wrath of the Druids has also come to an end. A smaller episode, it's true, but after all, even the DLCs themselves are experiences with narrower horizons than the basic video games in which they have their roots. As always, we are waiting for you below, in the comments, to hear about this expansion and, why not, also to see some of the images you captured during this Irish adventure.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - L Wrath of the Druids: Icons of Ireland Have you noticed any mistakes?