Microsoft and McAfee lead a task force to eradicate ransomware

Microsoft and McAfee lead a task force to eradicate ransomware

The group, in which 17 other companies and research centers participate, aims to create common standards to face one of the most widespread cyber attacks

image credits: Blogtrepreneur (CC) Hunt for ransomware. The Ransomware Task Force, or RTF, was born, an association made up of 19 technology companies including Microsoft, McAfee and the Institute for Security and Technology (Ist), which has set itself the goal of eradicating the threat of these computer viruses capable of encrypting entire systems and then demanding a ransom to release the seized data.

The group will focus on studying possible technical solutions that provide lasting protection during a ransomware attack. By commissioning documents and reports from industry experts, RTF has set itself the goal of identifying gaps in the current countermeasures adopted to thwart ransomware attacks.

The end result of the task force's work will be the production of a standardized antivirus framework to handle this type of attack.

“Ransomware incidents have gone out of control and this economically destructive cybercrime has increasingly led to dangerous physical consequences,” IST writes on its blog. During this year, a ransomware attack even caused the death of a woman who needed urgent care. Unfortunately on that occasion the nearest hospital was under ransomware attack and the woman was transferred to another more distant facility, dying in the transport. "This crime transcends sectors and requires all interested parties involved to be at the table to summarize a clear picture of actionable solutions," continues Ist.

The task force website will be launched in January, when it is expected Full details of the companies joining the program and group leadership will also be announced.

At the moment the 19 companies participating in the project are: Aspen Digital (group of policy makers); Citrix (network equipment provider); The Cyber ​​Threat Alliance (cybersecurity group); Cybereason (cybersecurity company); The CyberPeace Institute (organization that deals with helping victims of cyber attacks); The Cybersecurity Coalition (group of policy makers); The Global Cyber ​​Alliance (non-profit organization dedicated to reducing cyber risk); The Institute for Security and Technology (group of policy makers); McAfee (cybersecurity company); Microsoft (IT company); Rapid7 (cybersecurity company); Resilience (IT insurance provider); SecurityScorecard (compliance and risk management); Shadowserver Foundation (cybersecurity non-profit organization); Stratigos Security (IT security consultancy); Team Cymru (threat intelligence); Third Way (think tank); UT Austin Stauss Center (research group); Venable Llp (law firm).

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