Star Trek: The best friendships and animosities among Star Trek actors

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Over time, no other sci-fi series has been able to amass as many spectacular speeches as Star Trek. These are the 10 best speeches in Star Trek! var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1364118,1360573,1360042'; Patrick Stewart and the entire set from The Next GenerationIt is a longstanding tradition to start lists of this type with Patrick Stewart. Why? Quite simply: Because the trained theater actor, producer, director and professor also seems to be a really nice guy. His friendly and helpful manner has become so legendary that it was even poked at in a Family Guy episode. For those interested: The episode is "Not all dogs go to heaven" (p. 7, F. 11) and the original version includes the entire cast of Spaceship Enterprise: The Next Century. A few The entire cast (and set staff) of Star Trek: The Next Century Treasured Patrick Stewart - the friendship still lingers. Source: CBS / Paramount Of course we also have examples of the actor's friendliness and integrity: At castings for extras for Star Trek: TNG, Stewart was shocked at how brusquely the producers were with the candidates - so he stood up every time to face them to shake hands with the speaking sample and mentally build it up. When Gates McFadden (Doctor Beverly Crusher) complained about the sometimes very sexist scripts in the first season, her steward backed the producers and writers.
In an interview with Newsweek magazine, he even defended Star Trek Fans when his interviewee asked him if he was worried about "embarrassing Trekkies at his theater premieres". His now legendary answer: "Embarrassing? How many of them do you know personally? You couldn't be wrong anymore. Here's the thing: if you say the fans are embarrassed, you're saying the series is essentially embarrassing about itself I get mad when people like you make fun of it. " Not only Jean Luc Picard makes a good Starfleet captain, actor Patrick Stewart himself would do well as such.
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Star Trek: Director talks about the difficult future of the movies
Director Noah Hawley talked about how difficult it is to make a new Star Trek movie right now. PC X360 PS3 0Star Trek: Future of the series planned until 2027
Producer Alex Kurtzman announced that there are already plans for Star Trek until 2027. var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1364118,1359831,1359741'; Mariana Sirtis and Michael DornOn the set of Star Trek: The next century there was hardly a couple who got along worse than Mariana Sirtis and Michael Dorn. Strong and quiet, Michael Dorn comes very close to his role as Worf in real life. Meanwhile, Mariana Sirtis is very balanced in her role as Deanna Troi and an "absolute cow" in real life (in her own words!). Dorn stated in an interview that he stoically endured his colleague's mood swings. Mariana Sirtis, for her part, quickly made friends with Dorn after her initial frustration because of his quiet manner, because he was the only one who "endured her for a long time". Today the two have been close friends for more than 30 years.
Mariana Sirtis and Michael Dorn initially shared a rather nervous tension. However, it later turned into a real friendship that still exists today.
Source: CBS / Paramount Kate Mulgrew and Jeri Ryan
Another legendary relationship is that between Kate Mulgrew (Captain Janeway) and Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine) - in this case, however, from earlier unpleasant reasons. Mulgrew made Ryan's stay on the set so uncomfortable, apparently on purpose, that the younger actress regularly struggled with panic attacks and stomach problems when she spotted a Seven / Janeway scene on the set. The reason for this, according to Kate Mulgrew, was that she was bothered by excessive sexualization of Star Trek characters. As the series moved in the direction of "blunt sex appeal," she grew angry and vented her frustration on Jeri Ryan - a fact the veteran actress deeply regrets these days. Fortunately, the two now get along a lot better.
On the set, there was often a hostile atmosphere between Kate Mulgrew and Jeri Ryan. But that is history now; the two get along well. (1) Source: CBS / Paramount
Cirroc Lofton and Avery Brooks
The relationship between Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko) and Avery Brooks (Captain Benjamin Sisko) is much better. The two quickly became friends and met outside of filming. What was special about this relationship was the fact that Avery also portrayed Cirroc's father figure in real life: the parents of the then 13-year-old young actor went through a difficult separation at that time. Avery Brooks took Cirroc to his first NBA game, taught him how to play basketball, and protected him from the temptations of Hollywood. Cirroc put it best in an interview: "There are a lot of temptations in Hollywood. A lot of things that go on behind the scenes. Avery kept me from all of this. He put up a shield around me. People knew that they passed Avery before they got to me. "
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We reveal our top 10 aliens in terms of appearance, culture and influence on the Star Trek franchise. var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1364118,1357257,1354837'; George Takei, Walter Koenig and Nichelle NicholsAmong the actors in the original series Starship Enterprise, there is probably no friendship stronger than that between George Takei (Sulu), Walter Koenig (Chekov) and Nichelle Nichols (Uhura). When Takei married longtime partner Brad Altman in 2008, Nichols was serving as the actor's maid of honor, while Koenig was Altman's best man. The three are still in contact today and regularly ensure full halls at Star Trek conventions with their stories and their cordial interaction with one another.
Diana Muldaur and (also) the entire set of The Next Generation
Unfortunately we don't have a feel-good story for you this time: Diana Muldaur played Doctor Pulaski in Star Trek: The Next Century - and thus the replacement for Gates McFadden's character Dr. Berverly Crusher. The move was not well received by either the fans or the cast, as not only the character Dr. Crusher, but also McFadden himself was very popular and was considered a pleasant colleague. In addition, Diana Muldaur had a difficult position for the reasons for no fault of her own. She replaced the popular Gates McFadden and was considered by many as a "replacement doctor".
Source: CBS / Paramount McFadden's exit is still unclear, but many things point to a fundamental discussion of values with the producers. McFadden was replaced shortly thereafter by Muldaur, who had a much more extensive acting background. Correctly guessed: That means that the more experienced actress received a salary of the order of Patrick Stewart. She also needed reading cards during filming in order to properly pronounce the Star Trek jargon. All these small details gave Diana Muldaur a hard time on the set, so that after a while she was replaced by her predecessor. Muldaur himself stated in an interview that he felt every day on the set that they "didn't want her there". The fact remains, however, that the actress was not to blame for the situation. As a full professional, she was always polite and professional. Muldaur described her short stay on the Enterprise as "great and very, very exhausting".
William Shatner and the entire set of Starship Enterprise
William Shatner is famous in Hollywood for his special character traits- notorious. A good example is the feud between Shatner and George Takei. According to Sulu, Shatner is a first-rate actor - and maybe a little too aware of that. He usually gets angry when the spot is on his fellow actors. For his part, Shatner says the same thing about Takei, claiming that his colleague's wedding was just a publicity stunt. James Doohan didn't say a good word about Shatner either. The Scotty actor once said in Enemies, Friends, Enemies: Kirk couldn't get on with most of his co-actors, but William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy had a tumultuous and very close relationship.
Source: CBS / Paramount in an interview that he often wanted to have missed Shatner: "I like Captain Kirk, but I can't say that I think Bill is particularly sympathetic."
However, the most interesting relationship existed between Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, who became famous for his impersonation of Spock. The two actors initially clashed because Spock was becoming increasingly popular. Nimoy even accused Shatner of "stealing" Spock's texts in front of the camera and even stealing his bike. It wasn't until they both discovered that they shared a few strokes of fate in their lives that the relationship calmed down and a little later even developed into a true friendship. Nimoy was one of the few actors at the time who got along well with Shatner's mix of narcissistic tendencies and brutal honesty. However, five years before his death, Nimoy broke off friendship with Shatner. What exactly happened is not publicly known and Willam Shatner does not reveal anything (there are rumors surrounding the documentary "The Captains" from 2011). However, in his 2017 book Lenonard, which is about his "friendship with an extraordinary man," William admits that before Leonard he did not know what a real friend was. Shatner begins the biography with the moving sentence: "I had a rare, enviable friendship. And then I lost it."
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