Discussion begins on the first bill in Italy to suspend biometric surveillance systems

The debate on the bill for a moratorium presented by the deputy of the Pd Filippo Sensi kicks off in the Constitutional Affairs Committee
Facial recognition (Getty Images) The spread of video surveillance systems with facial recognition has sparked a wide debate, abroad and in Italy, regarding the implications of these technologies on the protection of personal data and on possible abuses. For this reason, the Constitutional Affairs Commission will discuss today, May 26, the bill for a moratorium on the use of biometric surveillance systems in public places, presented by the deputy of the Democratic Party Filippo Sensi. The proposal provides for the temporary suspension of all these systems in public places until an adequate national law is formulated, but no later than December 31 of this year.Technologies for video surveillance with systems facial recognition biometrics are developing faster and faster, becoming more widespread, invasive and capillary. Due to this speed, national legislations struggle to keep pace with technological development, creating regulatory gaps that can lead to violations of people's freedoms and rights. In our country, there is still no law governing the use of video surveillance systems with facial recognition, specifying the eligibility criteria and guarantees that comply with the indications of the Privacy Guarantor. Therefore, the importance of the moratorium that will be discussed today lies in giving Parliament the right timing to legislate on the matter and, at the same time, guaranteeing the protection of people's rights.
A novelty that I hope will be useful: I have been indicated as a speaker in the Constitutional Affairs Commission for the bill calling for a moratorium on facial recognition technologies in public places. Wednesday begins https://t.co/BWShpoK7vr pic.twitter.com/AR9PcWtU36
- nomfup (@nomfup) May 21, 2021
The first article of the proposal provides for the suspension of the use of any video surveillance system with biometric facial recognition, in all public places, by the authorities or private subjects, until the entry into force of an ad hoc law or in any case no later than 31 December this year. The list of suspended systems does not include those authorized by current legislation, the draft reads, used to support institutional activities in the defense and security sectors.
Article 2, on the other hand, establishes administrative sanctions fines for those who install or use biometric systems during the moratorium period. The sanctions are governed by Article 166 of the Personal Data Protection Code of 2003 and by Decree Law 51 of 2018, which in Article 42 provides for the payment of a sum ranging from 50 thousand to 150 thousand euros. Together with Sensi, appointed rapporteur in the Constitutional Affairs Committee, the deputies of the Pd Marianna Madia and Enrico Borghi also signed the proposal.
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