Cyberpunk: Transhumanism, biohacking ... when science is no longer a fiction

Cyberpunk: Transhumanism, biohacking ... when science is no longer a fiction
Humanity has tried since its first forays into scientific fields to supplant Mother Nature, to surpass her primary condition. Cyberpunk is particularly interested in this quest for immortality, in the technological advances that this implies, as much in medicine, computer science as robotics. Through the prism of science fiction, this movement questions the place of human beings as well as the impact of transhumanism or biohacking at the level of the individual and his ecosystem. What if the future is on? In 2020, science is no longer fiction. We are already in 2077.

Please note, this article is not intended to be exhaustive, but simply to come back to the similarities between very real contemporary science and science fiction in focusing on a specific genre ... cyberpunk and the resulting transhumanism. The editorial team invites you to discuss the subject in comments.

Transhumanism Let's start by giving a framework to the subject and therefore by defining its main term. According to the Larousse dictionary, transhumanism is a "current of thought which aims to improve the intellectual, physical and psychological capacities of human beings through the use of scientific and technical processes". This word was created in 1937 by Jean Coutrot, a French engineer amputated of his right leg during the First World War, then popularized by Julian Sorell Huxley ... British biologist, eugenics theorist, first director of UNESCO and founder of WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature).

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