Black Friday 2022 starts early: dates and apps to better prepare

Black Friday 2022 starts early
Those who expected a single day Black Friday 2022 will have to put their hand to the calendar, because this year the recurrence dedicated to pre-Christmas shopping is an event spread over days and days. For some time now, shops and chains have been clinging to the fateful day, anticipating discounts and special offers even for weeks; and so the two dates now known to all - Black Friday and Cyber Monday - have merged to become the closing days of a maxi recurrence with variable duration.We then decided to make order among all the initiatives program at the various brands and retailers, highlighting the dates and methods of implementing discounts for the most well-known companies and taking into account that for some the discounts have already started.
When is Black Friday 2022
The official date of Black Friday is always calculated in the same way: the anniversary is celebrated on the Friday following American Thanksgiving, which this year falls on Friday 25 November. This is the culminating day, on which the brands and stores that adhere to the initiative will focus more. In a nutshell, even the realities that will anticipate discounts and promotions will not be found empty-handed for that Friday.The date of Cyber Monday Tradition also has it that the Friday of Black Friday is followed by a Monday focused on offers dedicated to electronic products. Christened Cyber Monday, this year falls on Monday, November 28th.
How long does Black Friday last?
The reality is that these holidays have been stormed by merchants and brands eager to take advantage of consumers' increased propensity to buy. From year to year, the offers that anticipate Black Friday have slipped further and further back in time until reaching today's situation: the entire month of November is punctuated by "early offers", of which Black Friday and Cyber Monday represent the great final.Offers in advance
Almost every merchant and shop will not miss the opportunity to participate in the event, and it is therefore worthwhile to visit the portals that most interest each one. Net of this observation, we have collected the known information relating to some of the most influential realities in the sector already ready with offers.On Unieuro the initiative already underway is called Temptation Black Friday, it lasts until 9 November and sees discounted electronics products as well as home appliances and many other products. Mediaworld also has a campaign activated in advance of the fateful Friday, with offers valid until November 9 that could be replaced by other promotions. On the Euronics website there is already talk of Black Friday, even if the active promotions are slightly smaller and the bulk of the discounts are promised from 24 to 29 November. On Qvc the discounts will last a total of 4 weeks and have already started. To find out, just visit the page set up for the anniversary. As for the individual brands, the list is being updated. Samsung promises news in the coming days; OnePlus already has active discounts with other offers coming from November 18th; Dyson has a page ready, but the offers haven't started yet. For all these sites and portals, the advice is to start understanding how the registration procedure works, in order to be prepared in case you offer a limited time, speeding up the order operations.
And Amazon's Black Friday?
It may seem paradoxical that the ecommerce giant has not yet started with its offers, but if the past few years can serve as a trace, the situation is soon to change. In 2021 the group had started its promotions a week in advance, for a total duration of 10 days. If history were to repeat itself, Amazon's Black Friday could start as early as the weekend of November 18 and last until Cyber Monday on Monday 28. In any case, the page has already been set up and is ready to welcome the first discounts when the time comes. .Amazon Prime is not mandatory, but it helps Unlike what happens during the Amazon Prime Day discounts, to take advantage of the Black Friday offers you don't necessarily need a subscription to the Amazon Prime fast delivery service. Obviously, membership is still recommended for those who want to quickly get their hands on the products purchased (with expected arrival in one or two days) and take advantage of the benefits linked to registration, from the Amazon Prime Video catalog to Prime Music songs.
To register, just follow the instructions on this page: a trial period of 30 days opens, followed by a payment of 4.99 euros per month or 49 euros per year. Those who prefer to cancel their subscription can do so even before the first scheduled withdrawal. For students you save half, with 24.99 euros per year or 2.45 per month and 3 months of free trial thanks to the Prime Student program.
How to make the most of your days discounts
Other useful resources to make the most of Black Friday days range from web-utilities to apps to download on your smartphone:Price trackers are very effective tools for monitoring price fluctuations. price of a particular product on Amazon, complete with a history that reveals the trend so as to immediately discover if the cost shown is really convenient or not. The most famous is CamelCamelCamel, but you can also focus on Keepa or on MaxSpar and Watch4Price which compare the same product for sale on various Amazon locations such as Italy, France, Germany and Spain, since often a slightly more expensive shipment can be worth a bigger discount. For those with Android there is also the Price Tracker app, which can import the Amazon wishlist / wishlist for a more convenient search. The platforms that aggregate flyers are a precious resource during Black Friday, because they can geolocate the user by showing the physical stores where it is possible to save something, also informing about the available units. Doveconveni is among the most famous together with Promoqui and Ultimoprezzo. The apps for lists and reminders are essential for drawing up a shopping list that you can also share with friends or family to cross the efforts. In addition to the series such as Google Keep for Android and Note for iPhone, you can focus on cross-platform software with Evernote on all.