Dungeons & Dragons: Inntale tells about Tasha's new All-Inclusive Cauldron expansion

Dungeons & Dragons
Edited by: Manfredi Mo for InntaleDespite the arrival of summer, the holiday period par excellence, in the pots - or rather, in the cauldrons ... - of Wizards of the Coast they never stop boiling juicy news: from 12 July the long-awaited All-inclusive Cauldron by Tasha is available, a manual of Dungeons & Dragons released in English at the end of 2020 and now finally provided with an Italian translation. considered one of the best additions to the collection of fans of the most famous RPG in the world? Let's see it together in this special dedicated to the Dungeon & Dragons expansion manual, Tasha's All-In-One Cauldron.
Introduction and first chapter
An image from Tasha's All-In-One Cauldron manual by D&D The book in question is both a supplement to the basic rules of the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, and a total overturning of them. Yes, because, hand in hand with a world that is moving towards ever greater inclusiveness, Wizards of the Coast has also decided to embrace change and provide everyone with a set of official rules designed to allow greater personalization of their character. How? Going out entirely from the patterns that have characterized his fantasy-style settings for decades.In fact, even if, as indeed every rule, they are optional options and at the total discretion of the Dungeon Master, this manual allows our characters to free themselves from the chains of tradition and to us to choose entirely the characteristics that they distinguish regardless of the race to which they belong. Let us forget about the robust dwarves, the graceful elves or the lackluster orcs: from today, the ability scores depend entirely on us, and so also the languages known and the skills acquired. As if that weren't enough, the Cauldron takes care to add a loophole for those who, once things have been done and the campaign has begun, should have second thoughts, and, inviting you to always confront the DM first, provides rules to retrace your steps and change archetype or ongoing skills.
At this point, the first chapter seems to fall within the classic canons of the fifth edition manuals, putting at our disposal a series of new subclasses for our heroes and officially adding the Artist, present on the our tables since the release of Eberron Rebirth after the Last War, to an expansion manual, thus allowing those not interested in the setting in question to tap into the class anyway. Before ending, this first segment of the manual still gives us a small pearl of customization: a series of talents for all tastes that allows even those who do not intend to opt for a multiclass character to get a taste of the potential of the distinctive powers of the other heroes . If you've always dreamed of playing, for example, a "pure" Warlock, but able to use a bit of Metamagic - an ability reserved for Sorcerers only - Tasha knows how to meet you.
Second and third chapter
An image from D&D Tasha's Comprehensive Cauldron manual For the second chapter, Wizards of the Coast "fishes" again from Eberron Rebirth after the Last War, perhaps noticing another detail not present in the main manuals , that is the group patrons. Within their explanation, slightly different from the first manual in which they appear, rules are listed to manage them within any setting. As if that were not enough, at the end a handful of paragraphs has been inserted aimed at all those characters who wish to become someone's patron in turn.The third chapter deals, not without some surprises, with one of the themes more fascinating than Dungeons & Dragons, or magic. Not limiting itself to collecting many of the spells present in the setting manuals and adding new ones, this space dedicated entirely to the magical plot offers some useful tips on how to customize your powers in a visual way, leaving the regulatory part intact. If your charmer of bucolic origins has always dreamed of his own Magic Bolt missiles taking on the guise of ghostly chickens, well, he has found what he was looking for. Literally, he is present in the manual, complete with an illustration. In addition, by popular demand and with the great pleasure of fans, it inserts magic tattoos to our options, dispelling the myth that beautiful and intelligent cannot coexist and giving our characters an additional ace up their sleeve to use in their time of need.
Fourth chapter and conclusions
An image from Tasha's Comprehensive Cauldron manual by D&D Finally, the fourth and final chapter is entirely dedicated to the listing of new tools available to the Dungeon Master. After a short chapter dedicated to how to best organize a campaign together with your players, in fact, Tasha's All-Inclusive Cauldron introduces brand new rules for the creation and use of followers, to talk to the most varied creatures of the multiverse - inviting perhaps the players using more creative approaches than the classic "I go to Wrath and Load" - for the calculation, albeit approximate, of the damage suffered by the protagonists of our stories if they fall victim to natural and non-natural disasters, and, finally, for the creation and implementation of puzzles, also suggesting a discrete series conveniently listed in increasing order of difficulty.In short, we are faced with a manual with contents for all tastes and not he is afraid to go into detail. It is necessary, however, to spend a few words for one last, important note: the translation of some terms and skills, at present, occasionally presents gross inaccuracies that the affectionate Italian community of Dungeons & Dragons has not failed to notice. Some of these errors, which, unfortunately, in a couple of cases significantly change the rules presented, remain in any case limited, and, relying on the historic professionalism of Wizards of the Coast, we are confident in the release of an errata in a short time and in their correction in the next prints of this volume.
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