The Wired Next Fest in Milan is back in attendance: we are waiting for you!

The Wired Next Fest in Milan is back in attendance
After the great success of the Florentine event, the Next Fest returns to Milan on 7 and 8 October at the Fabbrica del Vapore.The first appointment of the 2022 edition of the WNF recorded a great result : with the involvement of 75 guests from the scientific, technological, cultural, economic and political, national and international panorama (including the activist Patrick Zaki, the philosopher Éric Sadin and the entrepreneur Federico Marchetti), 44 meetings and 7 live performances, 1.5 million social impressions, 1.2 million social reach, over 250 thousand video views on the website and social channels, over 5 thousand physical appearances and 21 hours of streaming were achieved.
The event, promoted by Italia and sponsored by the Municipality of Milan, will have as its theme "The Future of Democracy", told through meetings, panels and performances with personalities from the world of innovation, technology, rice rca, culture, economy and politics of national and international importance. During the two days we will try to explore and describe the impact of digital technologies on democracies around the world, on culture and on globalization processes and how they are forcing us to question and transform current governance systems, in the public and in the private sector.
Among the first notable speakers and guests who confirmed their participation: Frances Haugen, the whistleblower who in 2021 made public the "Facebook files", documents that sparked an international scandal that the center of public debate is the 'dark side' of technology in dealing with hate speech and disinformation; Stella Assange, Julian's wife, who is fighting for the release of her husband, a journalist founder of Wikileaks, currently in prison in the United Kingdom with a request for extradition to the United States where she faces up to 175 years in prison; one of the world's leading experts in artificial intelligence Kate Crawford, university professor and former consultant to the Obama administration, in the bookstore with "Neither intelligent nor artificial. The dark side of AI ”; Andrea Traverso, Director Financial Sustainability and Research at UEFA, in charge of technological innovation for the top European football body; the managing director of Inter Alessandro Antonello; the Egyptian activist Mona Seif, committed on the human rights front, protagonist of the 2011 revolution and known for her use of social media in political campaigns.
And Eva Galperin, Director of Cybersecurity at EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), one of the world's most authoritative experts on cybersecurity, in particular on the use of spyware and malware by governments; Isabela Dias Fernandes, executive director of Tor Project, the organization that developed the Tor anonymous browsing browser, used by whistleblowers to protect their safety; Filomena Gallo, lawyer and secretary of the Luca Coscioni Association, on behalf of which you defended the referendum cause on euthanasia and legal cannabis before the Constitutional Court; Gabriele Balbi, associate professor in Media studies at the University of Italian Switzerland, expert in media history, in bookstores with "The latest ideology. A brief history of the digital revolution ”, an essay that tells and analyzes the ways in which digital tools are transforming political thought and democratic participation; Paolo Gerbaudo, professor of digital politics at King's College in London, where he deals with social movements, parties, election campaigns and social media. His research is focusing on the evolution of populism, especially on the left, following the pandemic.
There will also be Chiara Lalli, researcher and journalist, author of an investigation that talks about the difficulty of obtaining transparency on the structures that carry out or not (due to the conscientious objection of doctors) voluntary interruptions of pregnancy , highlighting the importance of open data; Virginia Valsecchi, entrepreneur, actress, producer (“My name is Francesco Totti”) and director (“Il cielo da una stanza”). Her speech will focus on the future of entertainment, in particular on cinema and podcasts; the journalist and writer Marina Petrillo, historical voice of Radio Popolare, soul of and Open Migration, has been working in the European Parliament since 2019. She is considered one of the leading experts on the revolutions linked to the Arab Spring; the journalist Marco Bellinazzo, one of the most authoritative connoisseurs of the issues that link football and finance; the journalist and writer Marco Passarello, author of "Fanta-Scienza", a collection of eight stories inspired by as many interviews with researchers from the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa; Joseph Naklé, founder of Peacox Basket Milano, the first LGBTQ + basketball team in Italy; the two Italian gurus of mindfulness, the psychotherapist Fabio Giommi and Antonella Commellato, director of the Mindfulness professional training of Aim (Italian association for mindfulness).
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