OlliOlli World: Finding the Flowzone we discover the DLC with Jemima Tyssen Smithen

OlliOlli World
The OlliOlli World Skatepark has turned on the spotlight again with the colors of its latest DLC: Finding the Flowzone. The success of the Roll7 game has certainly given breath to the productions dedicated to the world of skating that have long been experiencing a lean period. The platforming formula, the layering of the gaming experience and the carefree style have managed to transform OlliOlli World into an instant classic, when the previous chapters had imposed their success only among the niche of passionate players.After the first VOID Riders expansion, which introduced a new narrative line, many paths and countless cosmetic elements, between aliens and sci-fi, the adventure of this latest chapter just released takes us straight to the clouds, between a wallride on a cirrus and a slide on the side of a cloud.
We remind you that OlliOlli World: Finding the Flowzone was released on November 2nd on the digital shelves of Xbox consoles, previous and current generation PlayStation, as well as Nintendo Switch and is available at a price of € 9.99 standalone or integrated in the expansion pass which includes both additional content published.
A journey in the company of Jemima Tyssen Smith
An adventure tr a i cieli di Radlandia OlliOlli World, since its release, has received critical acclaim and in our review we have praised its immediacy and style. We found an interesting aspect in the writing of the characters so free and carefree that they fit perfectly with the setting and with the game. The credit is largely due to Jemima Ellie Smith, the Character Writer behind the nice individuals who populate Radlandia, with whom we had the opportunity to interact in the frame of the Lucca Comics and Games 2022 festival and who told us the parable that accompanied her here, at Finding the Flowzone the final stop of the journey with OlliOlli World.The gameplay is the starting point
Riding the Flowzone in one of the scenarios of the game OlliOlli World is a game that owes its charm to the gameplay it brings as a dowry. It draws heavily on the technical frenzy of previous chapters, but takes a step further.Jemima says: "There is still that difficulty factor due to the high intensity gameplay style, but in this chapter we wanted to bring novice players closer by introducing an easier barrier of entry to overcome. "
The levels of OlliOlli World are simple to overcome, but difficult to execute perfectly
In Finding the Flowzone new gameplay elements have been introduced such as wind currents, that counterbalance the tractor beam proposed in Void Riders. These are fluid dynamics that blend seamlessly with the gameplay, leaving the player with additional foundations on which to build OlliOlli World's combo and style castle. All to prevent together with new and extravagant companions that B.B. Hopper, a frog with no hair on his stomach, exploits the city for his dangerous business.
It must be considered that during the initial stages of development, which began even before the game was released, there was a real possibility that Radlantis was set, like the city of Atlantis, under water. Then the creativity of the team led them to reconsider the flow from fluid to gas and hence the Radlantis City that we know and that you will know with Finding the Flowzone.
A return to the origin?
Juggling the currents of Finding the Flowzone may seem easy, but making the craziest tricks with precision is not at all The multiplayer experience in OlliOlli World deliberately follows the "asynchronous" one experienced in a skate park, with leaderboard , rankings and showdowns, just like on the board it is usual to perform, but at the same time observe the other skaters who demonstrate their skills to emulate and improve themselves. In Roll7 they are very satisfied with this experience and Jemima confirms that it will certainly be the way for a possible future as well.This correlation between real and digital experience, although OlliOlli is the furthest away from the concept of simulation , led us to ask Jemina if there was hope for video games to inspire people to turn a gaming passion into a real one. She told us that this is partly what happened with a lot of people on the team.
"There were so many people who already practiced skating, some did it in the past and many of them have started again. There is always something magical in the games that often attracts you, but it makes you also aspire to something more. I too have tried but unfortunately I'm not very good and I'm afraid of getting hurt, with OlliOlli instead I don't run this risk. "
A free and unconstrained process
The characters of OlliOlli World are bizarre and varied, a perfect mix to make every player welcome Moving to the focus of Jemima's experience we took the opportunity to understand the secrets behind the creation of the characters of OlliOlli World, how their crazy eccentricity could have originated."Usually my way of working is to throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks. I have a different creation experience for each type of character, with OlliOlli World. If there had been from create a character typical of a forest area, we would have studied the peculiar characteristics of that area. "
The style of OlliOlli World is colorful and carefree, like its characters and the philosophy with which it was developed Jemima continues: "Actually I'd like to know from which spark the characters I create form in my mind . Many times in fact I discover them in uncomfortable moments, such as at night at two in the morning, or during a meeting. Other times in discussions with other colleagues. As you can well understand there is no precise method, they come to mind and I try to give them a shape. Surely the sharing of thoughts and speeches plays a fundamental role. "
The goal for the creation of the characters of OlliOlli World on the contrary from Jemima's words seemed extremely clear to us, and it is valid the same for the whole team. They created characters who were able to welcome any player to the world of OlliOlli World. The game always had to be fun but light. Much of the work on the game took place during the pandemic in a period of great stress for everyone and for this reason they worked to create an escape dimension for us and for the players. OlliOlli World must make you sigh with serenity, without having to take yourself too seriously. Everyone is and will always be welcome.
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