Mario Draghi resigned

Mario Draghi resigned

After the day of fire in the Senate, in the Chamber of Deputies Mario Draghi announced his intention to go up to Colle and resign in the hands of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, a week after his first stop to his executive. In the morning Draghi went up to Colle and resigned, then met the President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati. The executive will now remain in charge for the handling of current affairs.

After a field day, which began with the speech of the Prime Minister at Palazzo Madama and continued with cross-party vetoes and motions to save the executive, the former president of the European Central Bank collected 95 votes in favor, not enough to ensure the government, and 38 against, because many senators of Forza Italia and Lega left the classroom, while those of the Movimento 5 Stelle, after the initial idea of ​​going out, they decided to stay in the emiciclio and in doing so they guaranteed the quorum. In fact, therefore, there would have been trust among the voters but in practice the abstentions meant that there was a real lack of support for the executive, opening up to the crisis.

Draghi's message As reported by the agency print Ansa, in the morning, at 9, Draghi addressed the Chamber with thanks, and then announced: "In the light of the vote expressed last night by the Senate, I ask that the session be suspended to go to the President of the Republic to communicate my decisions. Sometimes even the hearts of central bankers are used, thank you for this and for all the work done in this period. " The session of the Chamber was suspended until 12, pending the outcome of the conversation between Draghi and Mattarella

Draghi clarified what he expects from the parties to continue to lead the government After the rupture of the 5 Star Movement and the resignation rejected by President Mattarella, the Prime Minister's intervention specifies the conditions for continuing the activity of the executive, also outlining the reform agenda for the coming months. on the morning of the 21st, immediately after his message to the Chamber, at the Quirinale. The presidency of the Republic has released an image of the conversation between Mattarella and Draghi. Draghi has resigned and at the moment the government remains in office for the handling of current affairs, in fact the commitment to guarantee administrative continuity (as required by the Constitution in order not to leave the country without a government), limiting himself to due or urgent acts .

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The elections The forecast is increasingly likely to vote on September 25 or October 2. However, since September 25 is a Jewish holiday, it is likely that the choice will fall on the second option. An unusual thing in Italy, where elections are avoided in the autumn because they fall too close to the discussion of the budget law.

Words to understand government crises Crisis in the dark, Aventine, bridges, ferrymen, a question of trust: we shed light on the political jargon and on the metaphors that recur when a government is in fibrillation How to decide when to go to vote If we went to the polls, the new executive would take office in late autumn, between late October and early November at best, that is, in full budget session. Reason why the autumn elections have always been avoided, to avoid the provisional exercise, given that the government must present the budget law to the Chambers by October 15th.

The article 61 of the Constitution states that "the elections of the new Chambers take place within seventy days from the end of the previous ones". In the past, between the decree of dissolution of the Chambers by the Quirinale and the subsequent polls, between 60 and 70 days have always elapsed. It seems a long time, but there is a lot to do: present the lists, for example, which must be supported by a number between 1,500 and 2,000 signatures in each proportional constituency for parties that do not have parliamentary groups. If the Chambers were to be dissolved in the next few days, the first effective date would be September 25th, to be discarded, however, due to the concomitance of a Jewish holiday.

Reason for which Sunday October 2nd is warmed up. Article 61 of the Constitution also establishes that "the first meeting of the Chambers takes place no later than the twentieth day after the elections", so it would arrive at a date between 15 and 22 October. The process involves the election of the presidents of the Chamber and Senate, then the formation of parliamentary groups and at that point the Head of State opens to consultations for the formation of the government. We recall that in 2018 the vote was taken on March 4 and the Conte I government swore the oath on June 1, that is 90 days later.

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