Lenstore: how to experience vision problems

Lenstore: how to experience vision problems


How do you see a color blind person? And how can the visual experience be in the presence of glaucoma or cataract problems? What is meant by macular degeneration? How do floaters affect sight? To these questions it is often easy to give a theoretical answer, but it is not always easy to imagine in practice what a visual experience of this type consists of. To facilitate the impact with this type of problem, and make it clear to everyone what they entail in everyday life, Lenstore has developed an interesting online tool that allows you to experience each of these pathologies directly through your own eyes.

I find that raising awareness of issues such as visual impairment is very important and significant. Through this digital tool we can finally get to know these problems more closely, experiencing them on our skin. All the eye diseases analyzed vary in terms of symptoms, causes and treatments and it is important to become more aware of what the symptoms may be to prevent any damage.

In fact, many of the diseases analyzed can be cured simply by reducing the presence of symptoms, if identified in time by a doctor or optometrist. We hope that this tool will not only help people see the world from another pair of eyes, but also pay attention to the different symptoms, to be able to heal themselves in time

Roshni Patel, Lenstore

Problems with sight: an online test to understand what they entail

These are the main pathologies of sight covered by the online tool:

Color blindness

“Color blindness affects 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women worldwide. Those who suffer from this condition tend to fail to identify certain colors or distinguish them from others. The most common type of color blindness is deuteranopia (visible in the image). Those suffering from this visual disturbance find it difficult to distinguish between the red and green color "Tunnel vision

" This eye condition is characterized by the deterioration or complete loss of peripheral vision, while the central one generally remains intact. As a result, people with this condition tend to perceive the presence of a circle in front of the eyes, as if they are looking at the world from a tunnel "Night blindness

" Also known as Nyctalopia, this condition is the result of the inability of the eyes to adapt to low light. Although there are no particular consequences during the day, for those suffering from this visual impairment it becomes more challenging to carry out tasks in the dark "Cataract

" Cataract is a very common eye disease, characterized by the presence of spots created by the lens inside the eye which - as a result - can make vision blurred and in some cases cause blindness. Although everyone can be affected by this visual disorder, cataracts tend to develop more commonly in adults. This is due to the fact that with age the lenses of the eye 'sandblast', making it difficult to carry out daily activities such as - for example - driving. Alcohol abuse, smoking, diabetes and the presence of cases in the family are all factors that increase the chances of being affected by this condition "Floaters

" It is very common to experience the presence of floating bodies in the eye, often black or gray that move in the eye when you move your gaze or try to focus your gaze directly on them. Although this condition is common and - in many cases - harmless, in other cases it is a symptom of a more complex problem that must be addressed with your ophthalmologist ". Each of these pathologies, managed as if it were a real filter on images, is applied to seven different settings and thus allows you to experience the experience with a simple click. Here.

75% of UK Gps & Opticians See More Eye Health Problems Now Than 10 Years Ago

A new study by Lenstore has analysed digital consumption across 40 countries to identify which devices cause the most harm to our eyes. 

COVID-19 has radically shifted the way time is spent online. Being connected to friends and family online has never been more crucial to our mental health. However, spending all this extra time on digital devices, whether that’s our gaming devices, TV’s, or smart tablets – being conscious of the time you spend on devices is important to keep tabs on. 

The research revealed that worldwide we spend an average of 9 hours and 45 minutes looking at digital devices per day. It was found 3 out of 4 GPs and opticians say that they see more eye health problems now compared to 10 years ago, and 19% of GPs stating that the overuse of technology is to blame for eye health issues. All raising the question, what should you do to protect your eye health in 2021?

You can view the full study here: https://www.lenstore.co.uk/research/devices-that-impact-eye-health/

Study Shows Tired Eyes Are the Highest Cause of Bad Eye Health 

A study by Ophthalmic Physiol Opt that looked into office work found that visual symptoms associated with computer use occur frequently and are strongly associated with ocular surface disease. During the study, tired eyes were reported the most with 38% of workers having the symptom. Eye strain, sensitivity to bright lights and headaches also feature in the most common symptoms related to bad eye health.

10 of the Most Common Symptoms Related to Bad Eye Health 

RankSymptom% of respondents reporting symptoms at least half of the time1Tired eyes39.82Dry eyes31.53Eye discomfort30.84Eye strain30.65Irritated or burning eyes27.56Sensitivity to bright lights26.37Blurred vision when looking into the distance23.48Headache22.39Difficulty or slowness in refocusing my eyes from one distance to another21.610Blurred vision while viewing the computer17.3

Europeans’ Eyes Impacted More By Laptops and Computers than Mobile Phones

It has been reported 77% of UK adults say that their eyes feel strained after a long day at work and 80% of European millennials using digital devices have experienced related eye fatigue. 

As we spend more time on devices, it seems we are experiencing more symptoms of poor eye health. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) / Digital Eye Strain (DES) is now recognised as a valid eye condition related to the overuse of digital screens with 90% of people who spend 3 or more hours a day at a computer, potentially affected by the condition. 

Experts Reveal Tips to Look After Your Eye Health When Using a Computer

When using a computer there are a number of steps you can take:

Step 1: Locate the computer between 40 and 76 centimetres (16 to 30 inches) from your eyes.

Step 2: Ensure the top of the computer is level with, or slightly below, your eyes.

Step 3: Make sure the screen is tilted away from you at a 10-to-20-degree angle.

Step 4: Check that there are no distracting reflections on the screen, such as from a window.

Step 5: Adjust the font size on your screen so it’s easy to read.

Step 6: Use document holders for reading or reference materials. Place them close to the screen at the same distance from your eyes. This will enable your eyes to remain focused as they move between the screen and the documents.

Step 7: Use a character size that is easy to see. Character size is an important factor since it determines the distance at which you view the monitor.

For more information on the study, please click here: https://www.lenstore.co.uk/research/devices-that-impact-eye-health/

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